Halloween Decoration 2022: Enchant your entire neighborhood with these spooky outdoor ideas

by Kremy

On Halloween, the tiniest touch of imagination can transform otherwise ordinary animals – whether noisy backyard crows or peaceful garage spiders – into terrifying, hair-raising monsters. Therein lies the appeal of the trick-or-treating game. Sure, sweets are important. But what’s remembered isn’t so much the sweets but the environment in which they are offered – especially when the sweet collectors get out and knock on your door. Decorate your porch or entryway with beastly birds and oversized spiders, then watch the costumed creatures crowd. Enchant your whole neighborhood with these 2022 Halloween decoration ideas, suitable for porches, backyards, sidewalks and driveways.

Halloween Decoration 2022 – Pumpkin Family

Children will love to create their own pumpkin family

Kids will love creating their own family in the form of stacked pumpkins. Gather some natural items for decoration and facial features: use almonds, carrots, berries, leaves, pine cones, oak leaves and more for eyes, ears, noses, mouths and hair.

Plants with googly eyes

These googly eyes bring the spirit of Halloween


They’re watching you from every corner – those googly eyes bring the plants in every corner to hilarious life. To recreate this gawking greenery, paint some pumpkins or avocado pits with white craft paint and glue the “eyeballs” onto wooden sticks. Stick them in the leaves and they’ll make everyone look twice.

Also read: DIY Halloween Decorations for the Balcony

Gravestone Decoration

Halloween Decoration 2022 Place some paper gravestones in your garden

Place a few gravestones in your garden or front yard and let them do the graveyard work on Halloween. To do this, cut gray paper bags to size. When illuminated with miniature lights, they look eerily similar to real gravestones.

Halloween Decoration 2022 – Freely Floating Ghosts

DIY free floating ghosts Halloween decoration 2022

Using the heads of Styrofoam dolls sold in wig shops, you can make free-floating ghosts that can stand on their own – but if you hang them, the fabric can flap in the wind.

Wriggling snake wreath

A wreath of squirming snakes salutes the trick or treating kids

Dark, tangled tendrils are all you see at first glance. A closer look reveals the serpents lying in wait and the whole wreath comes to terrifying life. Make a wreath like this with nothing more than a vine wreath, plastic snakes, wire and black paint.

Halloween Decoration 2022 – Unlucky Numbers

Some houses exude charm while your house is dripping with blood in October

Some houses exude charm while your house is dripping with blood in October. A minimal but sinister touch, that awfully-looking blood is actually just colored hot glue. Splatter the red stuff directly onto the edges of your digits or onto the letters of your name and blow on it to speed up cooling and control drips. This deterrent tactic also works on mailboxes and mail slots. When November 1st comes, just peel off the marks and leave no traces of evil.

Owl night watchmеn

Halloween decoration 2022 owls are menacing omens in folklore

Owls have long been fearsome and menacing omens in folklore. But you can also see them in a friendly way – as wise beings who know many alien secrets. Take two bright white pumpkins and carve out the eyes with a knife. The contrast between the white skin and the orange interior of the pumpkin makes them immediately noticeable.

Broom Doorway

Brooms form a spooky front door Halloween decoration 2022

Two broomsticks wired together make a spooky Halloween 2022 decoration for the front door, which is also bordered with small broom heads (raffia bundles). Cut the raffia into 5 cm long pieces and gather them into small bundles. Wrap one end of each bundle with tape to secure it in the shape of a broom. For the base of the garland, cut three pieces of 4cm thick sisal rope.

Two pieces should be just longer than the sides of the door and one just longer than the top. Then attach a “broom” to the end of one of the long ropes with brass wire on a spool and, without cutting the wire, add more brooms until you reach the end. Repeat the process with the other long rope.

Halloween decoration 2022 – cauldron

How to make a cauldron for Halloween

This wicked witch uses modern tricks to conjure up a steaming cauldron. Start by gathering long, straight branches from your yard to hang your cauldron on. Then, using a serrated knife, cut off the top of a large pumpkin. Hollow out the inside of the squash and drill three equally spaced holes, about 2 inches/5 cm below the opening. Support the branches in the shape of a teepee and secure with wire at the top. Thread the wire inside the pumpkin to create an S-hook. Hide the visible wire with sisal rope.

Then cut three different lengths of sisal rope to hang the pumpkin; tie one end of each rope to an eyebolt. Insert the eyebolts through the holes in the pumpkin and secure with washers and nuts on the inside. Knot the ends of the rope together and hang them on the S-hook. If you want to create a “fire” effect, cover an outside lamp (with a yellow or orange bulb) with twigs inside the pumpkin.

You can find out how to decorate your home here!


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