Here’s How to Make Freeze Dried Candy at Home – Tricks and Tips!

by Radost P.

The most affordable methods to make freeze dried candy without purchasing an expensive machine!

Freeze drying is a method that removes moisture from foods, which leads to intensified flavors and different texture. This preservation approach works best when the candy contains sugar, compared to chocolate. The activity became quite popular in the past couple of months, since a freeze-dried candy is great for camping trips and dessert toppings. Since professional machines are costly, here is how to make freeze dried candy at home by using more affordable methods!

How to Make Freeze Dried Candy at Home?

how to make freeze dried candy at home

In the long run, making your own freeze-dried candies is cheaper compared to purchasing commercial food. While investing in a quality machine is a good decision for those of you who plan to freeze dry candies regularly, there are other approaches that you can implement. Check them out below:

Using a Freezer

The first step is to choose the type of candy that you want to freeze dry. The reason being is that the results will differ depending on the kind of candy that you have bought. Next, slice the treats into small chunks – in this way, the freeze drying process will be more efficient. Pre-freeze the candy in a normal freezer and place it on the freeze drying tray. Now it is time to slide the pan into the machine and switch it on! You can expect the freeze drying process to take 15 to 25 hours, which depends on how moist the candy is and whether it is pre-frozen. 

Read also: Recipes for candies and gummies for sore throat!

How Do I Freeze Dry Candy at Home by Using Dry Ice?

What you have to do is to put the candy in a composable bag, which you can purchase from Amazon. Then, leave the bag in a large cooler and cover it with dry ice for about a day. To avoid explosions, do not seal the cooler and use thermal gloves for protection. You can buy dry ice from a grocery store. Lastly, open the bag and leave the candy in a new freezer bag. Store it in a cool place. 

What Will Happen When You Freeze Dry Sweets?

freeze dried skittles


While experimenting with different types of candies, you will notice that some change texture and others grow. If you freeze dry Skittles, for example, you can expect the shells to pop and become twice their initial size. When it comes to gummy candies or those that contain gelatin, you can observe that they change shape and size too. An ice cream becomes more solid and crunchy, while the sugar level does not change that much.

Read also: Here’s how to make a delicious spaghetti cake!

In a nutshell, there are two main methods of freeze-drying candies at home without using a professional, high-quality machine that costs about 2 000 dollars. Keep in mind that those approaches are less effective, yet you can still enjoy sweet treats without breaking the bank! We hope that this information was helpful.

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