How to Organize Clothes in Drawers – 10 Simple Tricks That’ll Make it Easier

by Radost P.

Being organized is a great quality to have, since it makes everything easier for you. Just think about it for a second. When your clothes and possessions are in their place, you don’t waste much time searching for them. If you are going out, you can get prepared easily without making your friends wait outside. Not everyone is organized, yet this is a skill that can be learned with enough determination. So, no worries. In case you are annoyed by the chaotic environment in your bedroom, keep on reading. We will give you simple tricks on how to organize clothes in drawers.

How to Organize Clothes in a Drawer – Simple and Easy Hacks

how to organize clothes in drawers great quality to have since it makes everything easier for you about it for a second your clothes and possessions are in their place

The benefits of being organized are many, so it is worth it to work on this side of your personality. For example, studies have found that cluttered environments can negatively impact your sleep. Disorganized people tend to stay up late since they always have something to clear away. Besides, when everything is in its place, you can easily focus your energy on more important projects. Find out the best experts’ tips on decluttering below.

Assess the Situation

The very first thing that you have to do is to perform an inventory of your drawers. Look at the clothes and stuff that you have and decide whether you want to throw away something. On the other hand, what would you prefer to keep or recycle? By asking yourself these questions, you will speed up your decision-making instantly.

Empty Everything

how to organize clothes in drawers and closet categorize your favorite things into one place afterward make sure that wherever you place them they will be easy to reach you plan


Another tip from experts is to start from scratch by emptying all things that are inside your drawers. In this way, you minimize the chance of making a mistake when deciding which clothes to keep. If it is necessary, wipe down or vacuum the space in your drawers.

Read also: Tips for organizing your wardrobe!

Consider Your Favorite Clothes

Initially, categorize your favorite clothes into one place. Afterward, make sure that wherever you place them, they will be easy to reach. After all, you plan to wear these items on a regular basis, right? This is the step where you have to create a system that fits your wants and preferences.

Have a Goal

how to organize clothes in drawer and closet another tip from experts is to start from scratch by emptying all things that are inside your drawers this way you minimize the chance of mishap

Decide which items you will definitely throw away and put them into another room. This also applies to clothes that you will donate or recycle. By moving them into another place, you can get more focused on organizing the clothes that you actually need. If you tend to be indecisive, count to 5 and go with your first choice.

Layers or Files?

What experts suggest is to fold and file your clothing items instead of layering them. By putting clothes next to each other, you can easily see what you have and find the clothes that you need. If you tend to be a visual learner, you could consider organizing your clothes by color.

Labels Can Help

For those of us that get distracted more easily, putting small notes with the categories of clothes written on them can help. This might be the main part of the decluttering process for many people. In this way, even if you forget what you put in a particular drawer, you can remind yourself instantly.

Differentiate and Categorize

how to organize clothes in drawer decide which items you will definitely throw away and put them into another room also applies to clothes that you will donate or recycle

This is probably one of the most important steps. After all, the whole point of organizing your drawers is to bring some structure to your everyday life. This can’t happen without differentiating and categorizing the different kinds of items. Now is the time to put all your socks into one place.

How to Organize Clothes in Drawers – Create a Routine

To some extent, organizing your drawers is almost like washing the dishes. After a while, you need to repeat the same process again. Otherwise, your environment will get messy and chaotic. So, it is important to cultivate the habit of organizing your stuff wherever it gets messy.

Read also: How to organize your shoes!

Take Into Account Seasons

Just like you put aside the clothes that you will recycle or throw away, it is recommended to differentiate your clothes according to season. For instance, if it is summer, you could leave your winter clothes in another room. In this way, you will not get distracted by clothing items that you don’t need right now.

Create Two-in-One Drawers

how to organize clothes in a drawer the very first thing that you have to do is to perform an inventory of your drawers look at the things and stuff that you have

You can add more space into your drawers by putting one category of items in the right part and another – in the left part. If you have to, buy some boxes that can function as a differentiator between the two groups of items.

To summarize, getting more organized is one of those skills that can help you in life. You become more efficient and focused, since you actually have the time for more fulfilling tasks. We hope that this article has helped you!

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