How to stack firewood: follow these rules to let the wood dry + ideas for decorative storage

by Kremy

It’s time to prepare for winter and get the firewood. Or maybe you have already done that and now you are standing in front of this pile of wood and don’t really know how to arrange and store it properly? Today we will explain how to stack firewood and even do it in a decorative way. To make sure that everything is stable and that the wood can also dry through good ventilation, you should pay attention to a few things.

Proper firewood storage

firewood storage do it right with these tips

Whether on a house wall, on a privacy screen or free-standing in the garden – there are so many ways to stack firewood properly. And here not only the stratification plays an important role, but also the location including the subsoil. The ventilation between the logs not only helps the wood dry, but also prevents it from weathering when it is damp. The logs are only ready for burning after one to three years, because if it is too humid, it does not heat effectively (which would be a waste), but also produces additional harmful gases and excessive soot that pollutes the fireplace. It is also important that the wood is protected from rain and snow. So how do you go about it?

Also read: How to Store Firewood Decoratively Indoors and Outdoors?

Where should you stack the firewood?

Stack firewood outside leave a distance to the wall for good air circulation


The fresh air is optimal for the wood to dry properly. If the location is also south-facing, all the better. However, all other cardinal points are also suitable as long as they offer additional protection from wind and rain. Under no circumstances should you store firewood in the basement. Not only is it usually humid there, but the air circulation is anything but optimal.

Protect the stacked firewood from rain and snow with a tarpaulin or other material

If you choose a house wall on which to stack the firewood, remember that there should be a distance of five to ten centimeters from it so that the air can get behind the stack of firewood. It doesn’t matter whether it’s against a wall or standing freely in the garden – a tarpaulin or small canopy that protects against wind and weather should not be missing.

Pay attention to the ground

firewood storage with good ventilation so that the wood dries

Remember that even the bottom layer of wood must be protected from moisture to avoid mold. Therefore, the subsoil is of great importance. You can lay wooden boards for this purpose or use a pallet. In this way, the wood does not lie on the damp ground, but is even raised enough to be ventilated from below.

How to stack firewood – Now it’s time for layers

Firewood stacking free standing in the garden

So when you finally stack the firewood, what do you have to consider?

  • Begin with a framework that you build from the logs. Lay them side by side on the chosen surface. The next layer should then run across the first.
  • The right dimensions prevent the stack from collapsing and guarantee better drying. Here you should keep in mind that you should prefer a wide pile to a high one. The reason for this is that it is more stable than a narrow and high one. Furthermore, the moisture is released downwards. So as the layers go up, it will take longer to dry. Nevertheless, the stack of firewood should not exceed four meters and if it gets quite long, the sides must be supported.
  • A small distance between the individual logs also contributes to better ventilation. So when stacking the firewood, be careful not to pack the logs too close together.

Tip: It is best to always bring logs into the house in advance. This supply then has a few hours to warm up and is easier to light and burn than the cold one.

Read also: How to Dry Firewood? – Useful Tips and Proper Storage Solutions!

Store firewood decoratively indoors and outdoors

How to stack firewood tips and tricks

Even if the firewood has a specific purpose, that doesn’t mean that it can’t also be nicely displayed and used for decoration. And that works equally well indoors and outdoors. It doesn’t matter whether you set up a shelf with an interesting shape outside and stack the logs on it, create your own motifs with the wood or decorate a wall inside with a special firewood stack holder – the firewood will radiate a special atmosphere that will be pleasant in winter .

Below we have a few ideas for you on how to stack firewood with and without a firewood rack.

Modern firewood storage in steel shelf

Stack firewood against the house wall or free-standing

How to stack firewood outside

Stack firewood as a privacy screen on the patio or porch

firewood as a privacy screen

Stacking firewood – ideas with built-in shelves and niches

Built in shelves for the firewood

Don’t stack the logs too tightly

Store firewood on a dry and raised surface

Cool idea with string lights in a wall niche

firewood storage in wall niche

Stack firewood in shelves made of steel

Firewood decoratively stacked on special themed shelves

Modern shelf in a round shape with compartments for sorting

Wood storage in the living room steel shelf with logs

Store firewood under the fireplace

firewood below the fireplace
