July Astrology Events 2023: What Do the Stars & Planets Have in Store for You?

by Kristiyana

What do the stars and planets have in store for you in July 2023? Which transits will take place during this month, and how are they going to change our lives? Dive into the biggest July astrology events. 

July Astrology Events to Look Forward to in 2023

july astrology events july astrology events 2023

Can there really be a summer without a little bit of drama? I don’t think so! You might be thinking that the universe has forgotten about you, but don’t worry – big things are coming. Some signs of the zodiac might be faced with difficult decision-making, while others may finally get that long-awaited stroke of luck. But what should we be prepared to expect during the hot and dramatic July? We take stock.

Summer’s First Full Moon in Capricorn on the 3rd of July

A Full Moon in Capricorn lights up our skies on July 3rd, looking bigger and brighter than usual. This astrological event marks a time in your current life when you have to acknowledge how far you’ve come and how much you’ve achieved. Allow yourself to feel proud and consider your personal potential and growth. You might already be thinking about new goals, but the Cosmos tells you to first take a breath and appreciate this moment and its rewards.

Mars Enters Virgo & Mercury Enters Leo on July the 10th

You’ve now contemplated on your personal growth thanks to the Full Moon in Capricorn, but as Mars enters Virgo on July the 10th, you will likely experience a shift in motivation towards wanting to physically improve yourself and set new goals. This is a great time to start exercising.

Later on the same day, Mercury is leaving watery Cancer to set into the fiery Leo. This will be a great time to speak your truths, express yourself freely and build confidence in your own ideas and creativity. Leo will take you out of your Cancer shell and enrich your social life during this astrological event.

July Astrology Events: The Shift of the Nodes on the 17th

The Nodes of Destiny will make quite a significant shift on July the 17th, making way for karmic beginnings and endings in your life. The North Node enters the sign of Aries, while the South Node enters Libra. Respectively, changes will happen in the houses that Aries and Libra occupy in your astrological birth chart. What’s meant for you? What isn’t? These are the questions that you will find answers to in the next year and a half while the Aries/Libra axis rules.

Also on July the 17th: Transition to a New Moon in Cancer

Again on July the 17th, another big astrological event is taking place as we will experience a New Moon in Cancer. This shift is going to heighten your sensitives and expand your emotional awareness. The New Moon in Cancer will mark a new beginning in your personal relationships with your past and present environment, with yourself and those closest to you. This New Moon will also form a connection with controlling Pluto, which will make you dive in into your inner demons, fears and the issues you haven’t been confronting. Be careful not to bite more than you can chew during these changing times. Take it one step at a time.

Venus Retrograde Begins in Leo on July the 22nd

Are you ready for the drama? Ready or not, it’s heading for you just as soon as Venus Retrograde starts in Leo on July the 22nd. This astrological event will send you into a six-week-long backspin right until September the 3rd, during which you will reflect on important matters in your life like love, wealth, values and self-confidence. Around this time, it is highly likely that you will bump into an ex or two, so themes like past romances and emotional baggage will certainly be in your thoughts. Really think about who is worthy of your time and be careful not to make any drastic decisions when it comes to spending money!

Welcome, Welcome Leo Season on the 22nd of July

Not only will the 22nd of July mark the beginning of Venus Retrograde in Leo, but also the start of the glamorous and dramatic Leo Season. As the sun is finally going to be in its favourite place, be sure that all zodiac signs will experience a rise in confidence, creativity and optimism. Be spontaneous, free-spirited, and take a deep dive into the opportunities and comforts that the season of summer brings you.

Astrological Events: Mercury to Enter Virgo on July the 28th

July brings you with yet another shift in Mercury’s placement as it enters practical and problem-solving Virgo on the 28th of July. Mercury feels at home here as it rules Virgo and Gemini. This big astrological transit will help you get your things together, be more organized and better express yourself. Now is the time to use this clear-minded energy to check-off some of those points on your to-do list and finish logistical projects. Your communication will also be improved.

Also read: New Moon in Sagittarius 2023: How Will It Affect Us?


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