Natural mattress – give yourself the advantage of sleeping better

by Kremy

Natural organic mattress modern eco friendly

Natural mattress, as the name suggests, is manufactured with organic materials. There is an ongoing discussion if a natural mattress is an organic and you may find a lot of information and different opinions but it all comes to one simple question – What should be the ideal for a relaxing and restful sleep?

Natural organic mattress advantages disadvantages buyers guide


With the growing demand for eco and environmentally friendly living which we see in almost any field – from architecture, furniture, energy consumption, clothing, etc – the way we furnish and decorate our homes becomes very important as this has a huge impact on human health. Any organism needs to have a rest, to recharge the batteries and a good and peaceful sleep is essential. The market offers numerous options for bed and the growing number of customers searching for good material is indicative that people are becoming more and more conscious about their lifestyle and the “green living” trend is not just a conversational topic. Nowadays many manufacturers, as well as customers, have realized that it is of great significance to reduce the impact on the health of the many synthetic chemicals and artificial materials which appeared with the rapid development of technology. We shall focus your attention on natural mattresses as the advantages, offered by bio materials are undeniable. We shall look at the different options for organic materials, the pros and cons of the different types and fillers, so that you can find the best for yourselves.

Natural mattress – how to choose the best organic one

Natural organic cotton wool futon mattress

We should begin with the answer of the question – What should be the ideal mattress for a relaxing and restful sleep? What do you have to look for when choosing one? On the first place, it has to provide you comfortable sleep, a rest for the body and muscles and help your physical and mental performance. This may sound like a general statement, but if you think about it, this is what we all want – to have a restful sleep and not to worry about stiff neck or back when we wake up.

Natural mattress organic mattress how to choose

What is the difference between a natural mattress and organic one? It is not the same, although some sellers may use these terms interchangeably. With an added label saying “eco-friendly”, “environmentally friendly” the confusion gets even bigger. You have to realize that there is no 100% organic mattress. The term “organic” is used to describe a mattress manufactured by organic and natural materials. If one is certified as such, you can be sure that 95% of the components are of true organic origin. When choosing your bedding and bed, check the components or ask for a certificate. Ask for the different layers of the mattress- what they are made of – as this will give you a very good idea what exactly you are buying. Ask for the type of binding agent which holds the layers together.

Natural mattress – fillers, materials and options

Natural layers latex mattress ideas

One of the most popular materials used for the manufacturing of a natural mattress is cotton. Cotton is a material that has been used for many, many years and proved its excellent properties. Cotton fibers allow air circulation and a pleasant feeling to the touch. Organic cotton should be grown without synthetic chemicals like fertilizers or pesticides. However a cotton mattress tends to sag with the years and dust mites easily grow in cotton.

organic bed natural organic mattress ideas

Wool is another material used in mattresses and we mean organic wool, of course. It offers the advantage of keeping away moisture but requires maintenance and some people are allergic to wool. Most of them contain wool, so, carefully check the components of it.

natural latex mattress layers organic ideas

Latex is a material of natural origin, produced from the concentrated juice of a tropical tree Hevea, which grows in Asia and South America. When the juice hardens it is processed in order to be suitable for a mattress. Latex foam, as a organic filler, has excellent orthopedic properties, adapts perfectly under your body shape and provides reliable support. Natural latex one usually have coconut fibers to improve their rigidity. Latex mattresses offer a number of advantages and the comfort that they provide is highly appreciated by many people. Durability is another great advantage. Natural latex mattresses do not retain odors as well. On the downside is the fact that they are firm and heavier than others. The price is another factor, as natural latex mattresses are one of the most expensive types on the market.

Natural organic mattress what is the difference

Coconut fibers (coir) are a material, with exceptional strength and wear resistance. The fibers are woven, flattened into layers and coated with natural latex to create a water-repelling and germ-resistant base. Natural mattresses filled with coconut coir offer flexibility and strong orthopedic support for the body, replacing the need for metal springs. In addition, a coconut coir is very durable and will last for decades.

Natural organic mattress modern bedroom

Seaweed is a material produced by drying sea grass and weaving it into a special mounting grid. It contains iodine and other minerals and some manufacturers offer models with a leayer of seaweed.

Why choose a natural mattress?

Natural organic design ideas pros and cons

On the first place, natural fillers are environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic. They have a unique ability to resist the accumulation of moisture inside the mattress. This ensures the maintenance of a healthy and favorable micro-climate for sleep. Organic fillers aid air circulation and make sure that your mat will breathe. This provides a warm enough bed in cold weather and cool in hot weather. The anti-bacterial properties of materials are essential as they will not allow various microorganisms to make the mattress their habitat. Now that we looked at the different fillers and materials, you should know that most organic mattresses are made of latex foam, coconut coir and topped with layers of wool, cotton or other natural material.

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