20 Short Friendship Quotes to Share the Love with Your Besties

by Kristiyana

Most of us have at least one special friend that we will always be grateful for, no matter what. Friends make everything better. In the words of one of my favourite characters, “Whatever you do in this life, it’s not legendary, unless your friends are there to see it.” And Barney Stinson is absolutely right! Without meaningful friendships where you can laugh until your stomach hurts at something completely pointless, or enjoy a huge bowl of ice cream while watching your favourite movie for the 14th time, what’s the point to it all? That is why today I have decided to share with you 20 cards with short friendship quotes, made by yours truly. Send them to your BFFs or share them on your Instagram feeds!

Short & meaningful friendship quotes

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We don’t choose our family, but we do choose our friends. True friends accept you for exactly who you are.

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You can really guess a lot about a person just by looking at his closest friends.david storey quotes deep quotes

True friends are those which have stayed by your side in your lowest moments.

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Everything is better when you have someone by your side. With real friends, you can face anything.

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You know you have surrounded yourself with good people, when they make you feel like you want to be better for yourself, and for them.

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An inspirational quote reminding you to be grateful about your real friendships, and how precious they are.

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A quote reminding us that the friends we choose will largely shape our everyday lives.

Sweet & thoughtful quotes about friendship

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A great friendship quote to share with a friend. As a wise woman once said, “Maybe our girlfriends are our soulmates and guys are just people to have fun with.” Couldn’t agree more.

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True friends won’t leave you to wallow in your pain. They will do everything they can to be by your side as much as possible.

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A super sweet quote about friendship to share on your Instagram feed. Don’t you think?

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We should never take our friendships for granted, but take care of them and make time for the people we care about most.

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A lot of us have friends that live far away, and sometimes preserving that special connection can be hard. Send this card to your long distance BFF to show them how much you care.

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So true. My bestie is one of the best people in the world. I am always amazed at how wonderful people can be, even after they have faced so many hardships in their lives…

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When you are going through a ruff patch in your life, your true friends will make everything better.

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I am definitely sending this adorable card to one of my girlfriends. What about you?

Short and funny quotes to share with friends

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No lies here! My other bestie is bananas, I can picture what would have happened if we were actually sisters… Probably the house would have burned down! Send this your crazy BFF!

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When a guy has broken your heart, or you have had a bad day at work, nothing feels better than talking over it with a good friend and some chocolate! Who’s with me ?

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More short friendship quotes to share with your crazy friends!

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People should speak more about the positive effects that friendships have on our well-being. Don’t you agree?

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And ain’t that the dream? These are the real friendship goals.

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