What is Spring Fatigue? – 5 Easy Ways to Combat It

by Stephanie Yankova

Just as we start getting out of the winter “hibernation” period here comes spring – flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, and the sun is shining. There’s so much liveliness in the outside world. So why do I feel so tired and demotivated? Well, my friend, I hate to break it to you, but you’re probably experiencing something called spring fatigue. Before you freak out, it’s incredibly common amongst people from all over the world. But why does it occur? Why do I feel this way and my friends don’t? Is there a way I can manage the seasonal fatigue or completely eliminate it? Keep reading to find out the answers to all those questions!

tired exhausted woman spring fatigue seasonal lethargy

What is Spring Fatigue?

It all boils down to the levels of melatonin and serotonin that your body produces. During the colder months when the nights are longer, our body produces more melatonin and less serotonin, hence why we feel more tired, want to be in bed and sleep more frequently than usual, and some of us might even feel a little bit under the weather. Inversely, when the days begin to get longer, our body releases less melatonin and the sun triggers our body to produce more serotonin which instantly uplifts our mood and gives us a boost of energy. Some people don’t get that instant burst of energy once the seasons change. Experts believe that it’s simply because their body adapts to change more slowly. When the temperature begins to rise too rapidly our blood vessels expand which subsequently leads to lower blood pressure. These processes lead to decreased energy levels also known as seasonal or spring fatigue.

Seasonal Fatigue vs. Adrenal Fatigue – What’s the Difference?

adrenal fatigue vs spring lethargy stress lack of sleep mental emotional exhaustion


While seasonal fatigue is caused by the change of seasons and our ability to adapt to said shifts, adrenal fatigue stems from a completely different place. You probably suffer from this if you are exposed to constant mental or emotional stress. When your body reaches its limit it starts sending signals to your brain to indicate that you’re experiencing a burn-out. If you are under high levels of stress your adrenal glands get hyperactivated and start producing a hormone called cortisol, which leads to this constant feeling of exhaustion.

How to Manage Spring Fatigue?

manage spring fatigue seasonal lethargy healthy habits tips tricks

Feeling tired all the time is no fun especially when the weather outside is so inviting and you can’t enjoy it to its fullest because you just want to curl into a ball in bed and spend the rest of your day there. The good news is that managing the symptoms of spring fatigue is quite easy. All you need to do is actually find the strength and motivation to introduce these habits into your daily routine, which, believe me, I understand sounds like an impossible task when you’re so low energy. But you know what – I believe in you the same way I believe in myself because I’ve been there many, many times and I know that there is a way out. So without further ado, let’s take a look at some simple ways that can help you combat seasonal fatigue once and for all!

Take your Vitamins!

close up girl taking a jelly capsule vitamin combat spring fatigue easy tips

If you don’t get a lot of exposure to the sun during the spring, the reason why you feel tired is probably that your organism is lacking in Vitamin D. If we’re unable to supply our body with it through the sun it’s good to take some Vitamin D food supplements during the transitional period between winter and spring. Vitamin B and Magnesium are also known to have beneficial effects in the fight against seasonal fatigue, as they have revitalizing and anti-stress effects.

Begin a Healthy, Well-Balanced Diet

eating healthy salad balanced diet fruits vegetables fight seasonal fatigue

Remember, during this shocking period of adjustment your body needs lots of vitamins! Try introducing more fruits and vegetables to your diet like apples, bananas and grapes which will help stimulate your brain activity and give you more energy during the day.

Take Cold Showers in the Morning!

cold water shower benefits healthy lifestyle morning riutines combat seasonal lethargy spring fatigue

Experts claim that taking cold showers in the morning increases your blood circulation, makes you more alert and as a result helps you combat the first symptoms of seasonal fatigue that kick in the morning. If this is too intense for you, you can try finishing your hot shower with a minute or two of cold running water to help you ease yourself into the low temperature.

Physical Activity – Seasonal Fatigue’s Natural Enemy

sportswoman exercising working out combating spring seasonal fatigue

Working out sounds like an absolute nightmare when you can barely find the energy to get out of bed in the morning. However, being physically active has a positive effect not only on your physical state but on your mental and emotional ones too. The more frequently you work out, the faster your metabolism will become and it will also speed up your blood circulation, which, as we should have learned by now, results in more energy!

Try Drinking Matcha Instead of Coffee in the Morning

drink matcha ways to combat spring fatigue easy organic tips morning routine

The main difference between matcha and coffee is the way they release caffeine into your organism. When drinking coffee, caffeine gives you a pretty brisk burst of energy which usually lasts for no longer than an hour and you start feeling tired immediately after that when the caffeine begins to dissolve in your body. With matcha, caffeine gets absorbed during a period of 6 to 8 hours, which gives you a more even energy distribution.

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