Strawberries for Weight Loss: True or False? Learn About Their Health Benefits!

by Gabby

I am sure you have heard about a lot of diets and tips on how to lose weight. Some of them are proven to actually help, while others not so much… But, is it true or false that you can eat strawberries for weight loss? What are the benefits? Does strawberries reduce belly fat? 

Strawberries for Weight Loss: True or False? Let’s Find Out!

strawberries for weight loss true or false benefits diet

If you have embarked on your journey to lose excess weight, I am sure you are tired of hearing “don’t eat this, don’t drink that, stay away from carbs”. Most diets absolutely forbid the consumption of any carbohydrates, even when it comes to fruits, which we have been thought that can be quite beneficial. Yeah, I’m not a fan of strictly depriving yourself of certain types of foods either, and that’s why we did a little digging for new information. Today, we are going to look into strawberries and their benefits. But is it actually proven that they can help us get rid of the extra fat?

The Benefits of Strawberries

It is a proven fact that berries contain less sugar than the rest of the fruits. The same goes for strawberries, which can be quite beneficial for your overall health. What do they contain?

  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Calcium
  • Folate
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin C
  • Polyphenols

With that being said, strawberries contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They can help you against several harmful diseases or prevent you from having many of them. If you have insulin sensitivity, strawberries can improve it, since they are low in sugar. Some studies show that strawberries can even protect your skin from the ultraviolet A, because of their anti-inflammatory purposes. These are the rest of the benefits:

  1. They help to boost your immune system.
  2. They reduce the risk of diseases related to the eyes.
  3. Strawberries can help you maintain normal blood pressure.
  4. Proper functioning of nervous system
  5. They reduce cholesterol.

health benefits of strawberries weight loss


How Many Calories Are In 100g of Strawberries?

As we already mentioned, the strawberries are one of of the fruits that contain less sugar. But is it a myth that you can include them in a diet that will help you lose weight? First, we have to find out how many calories are in a 100g serving of strawberries:

  • Calories – 90 kcal
  • Protein – 0.65 g
  • Fat – 0.3 g
  • Carbohydrates – 7.68 g
  • Fiber – 2 g
  • Sugar – 4.85 g

As you can see, 100 grams of strawberries can get you the 10% of the fiber you need to function properly. Those 100 grams of strawberries actually contain 4.85 sugars, which is nothing compared to the rest of the fruits we’re sure you consume every day. Let’s take 100 grams of a banana, for example, to compare to strawberries and their sugars. In 100 grams of banana (usually that’s the portion of a one small banana) there are 12 grams of sugar. That’s right! I would think twice before I do this banana smoothie! The strawberries are also less in calories, so you can consume more on a daily basis. So, now let’s answer the BIG question – can strawberries help you for weight loss?

Strawberries for Weight Loss: True or False?

We have to absolutely start by saying that there is no study made that can prove that strawberries can help you with weight loss. Eating strawberries in healthy portions will not make you gain weight, however, putting yourself in a strawberry diet will not burn that extra fat. Unfortunately, this is considered a myth so far. If there’s no study conducted, then we have to say it is false.

But, you can simply use strawberries as a healthy snack, since it is PROVEN that they are low in calories and sugar, but rich in fiber. You can do smoothies, put them in your yogurt, make healthy juices, etc. It is best if you eat them as they are, because you will get all their benefits.

When to Avoid Eating Strawberries?

As we already mentioned, strawberries can give you all their benefits if you eat them as a healthy snack. With that being said, you should forget about strawberry jams, syrups, jellies, etc. I know that chocolate strawberries can be also temping, but they are certainly not low in calories and sugar. So, avoid eating them with toppings like whipped cream, chocolate, sugar drizzle, etc. We advise you to stay away from strawberry cakes, candies, drinks, and others. Keep in mind that dried strawberries are also not recommended.

Read also: Check out this healthy ice cream recipe!

Does Strawberries Reduce Belly Fat?

I know that a lot of people like me, suffer from that extra belly fat that is so hard to get rid of. Unfortunately, there are no studies linked to strawberries being helpful in reducing belly fat. You can, of course, include them in your healthy journey as a snack, but they are not the main thing that will help you reduce your tummy and show off that six-pack. We advise you to stay focus on creating healthy eating habits and work out program that suits your needs.

Read also: These are the healthy meals on a budget that will help you with your weight loss journey!

does strawberries reduce belly fat true or false

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