Valentine’s Day gift ideas 2023: 7 finger-licking treats and suprises that will amaze your partner!

by Kristiyana

Whether you’re in a new relationship or have been in one for years, it’s always good to show how much you appreciate your partner. Although, yes, having one special day in the whole year to dedicate to your loved one is silly, because… well, every day should be like Valentine’s Day! However, life is hard and work, personal and other problems get in the way. So, more often than not, we are all stressed and often ignore our partner… Now is your chance to show them how much they mean to you! And what better way to do it than with a gourmet Valentine’s Day gift? You have no idea what it is? Keep scrolling to find out!

Cheap and original gourmet Valentine’s Day gift! Here are our ideas!


So… Valentine’s Day is almost here and you don’t have a Valentine’s Day gift yet? I’m here to help you with this seemingly difficult, but extremely easy task! Do you want your loved one to feel special and adored? Do you want to surprise them in the best possible way? Well, I have a gift for you. Literally! When they say that “love goes through the stomach”, they are right. An amazing and memorable gift that will turn into an activity is to cook a meal together or give the other person a basket of goodies that you can share during the evening. You can buy them, but don’t forget that they are quite expensive… Or, if you’re a cheapskate like the DeaVita team, who always come up with the most original and cheapest ideas, you can make one yourself! Let’s talk more about it!

Also read: Valentine’s Day decor 2023: Check out how to make the day of love extra special this year!

Valentine’s Day gift idea for men: Meal basket

Valentines-Day gift-idea-for-men


Let’s face it! All men are happy to eat an extremely delicious meal! So why not give your partner a basket with the ingredients to make pasta bolognese together? Not only will you have planned a Valentine’s Day date and a fun activity, but you’ll be enjoying a delicious meal with each other! Here’s what you can put in the basket:

  • Pasta of your choice
  • Tomato paste
  • Fresh or canned tomatoes (1 can is enough)
  • White wine (you will only need one glass for the sauce) and I recommend Sauvignon Blanc
  • Spices of your choice
  • Fresh basil
  • Soy sauce (just a few drops, it will really enhance the taste, believe me!)
  • Minced beef
  • Olive oil or butter

And that’s it! Decorate it with a ribbon and maybe add some candles in the basket for a bit of romance!

Valentine’s Day gift idea for women: Gourmet basket


If you’re looking for a way to surprise your special lady, worry no more! Give her a basket of her favourite treats. Or, if you’re an overachiever, why not make some pink cupcakes yourself and put them in a basket? Again, give her a bottle of wine and some flowers. Although the pasta basket is also a great choice, flowers and chocolate are so much more romantic for a woman. Yes, it’s a bit of a cliché, and even if she says she doesn’t like flowers… Trust me. She loves them.

Other DIY ideas for February the 14th (Treats)

Here are some other ideas if you’re not too keen on gift baskets. They are always food related and relatively inexpensive. So, even if you are short of money, you will surprise your Valentine in the best way possible and have an amazing evening together!

  • Make Valentine’s Day cocktails together! Yes, it’s not technically food, but cocktails will give you some excitement and enthusiasm for the night ahead!
  • Treat them to a Valentine’s Day cake! With our simple recipes, you can make it in no time and surprise your loved one in a very unique way.
  • Organize a film night with their favourite snacks.
  • Take your partner to a cooking class on Valentine’s Day! There are many affordable offers, and you will make the day even more special.
  • Have an indoor picnic! Put blankets and cushions on the floor and enjoy your favourite meal together while listening to romantic music. If you don’t know what music to choose, YouTube, Spotify, Deezer and many other apps have great playlists for the occasion!

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