What Attracts Bed Bugs? How to Get Rid of Them?

by Kremy

How to recognize them at first glance? What attracts bed bugs? How to eliminate them as soon as possible? Follow the guide!

Bad news: after disappearing in the 1950s, they are back! Bed bugs are insects that live away from light, in dark spaces. Anyone can be affected by these parasites. Bedrooms and living rooms with sofas are usually affected. If a home is infested, strict measures must be taken to limit their reproduction until they are eliminated. Let’s see together how to identify them and reduce the infestation problem!

What Attracts Bed Bugs?

how to get rid of bedbugs 2023

In the early stages of an infestation, bed bugs can be found on mattresses and box springs. The clues indicating their presence are small black spots that you can find on:

  • sheets
  • the mattress
  • the box spring

If the infestation turns out to be larger than expected, then these pests will begin to disperse, seeking hiding places in other rooms of the house and sometimes in neighboring apartments. Keep in mind that bedbugs can invade the following objects:

  • textiles
  • upholstered furniture
  • door and window frames
  • cracks in the floor

Let’s take a closer look at why bedbugs take up residence in our homes and, more importantly, how to get rid of them.

what attracts bed bugs to the home


Also read: How to prevent bedbug bites – simple methods to avoid infestation

How do bedbugs come?

The resurgence of bed bugs is a real problem that should not be taken lightly as they spread at great speed and can infest an entire house. You should know that these insects feed mainly on human blood. So don’t be surprised if you find it in your home, even if your house is very clean. Bed bugs have a strong ability to recognize the body heat and the carbon monoxide released by human breathing. Thus, once inside, they immediately find refuge in the following places:

  • pillows
  • mattress
  • box springs
  • sheets

Keep in mind that these parasites are also very resistant. In winter, for example, they can go without feeding for more than a year. So be vigilant: not seeing them does not mean that they are not present in your home. And don’t feel guilty: it’s not your home’s hygiene to blame. Bed bugs invade your home because humans live there. Similarly, someone may have brought them into your home or you may have brought them back with you from a vacation or business trip. Since bed bugs can go without food for weeks at a time, they can cross continents unnoticed, hiding themselves in your suitcases or other luggage. It’s time to find out how to get rid of them, isn’t it?

What smell scares bed bugs? 5+ solutions to eradicate them

what attracts bed bugs and how to get rid of them

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs?

First of all, bed bugs don’t like high or low temperatures. At home, avoid cluttering the spaces. This will reduce the number of places bed bugs can hide. If you bought second-hand clothes, wash them at high temperature or put them in the dryer on the hottest cycle for at least 30 minutes. Do the same with second-hand furniture by cleaning it, preferably before getting it into your home, with a specialized heat device.

That’s not all: also take your precautions in hotels or holiday homes! The following mistakes should be avoided:

  • placing luggage on the floor
  • placing luggage on or under the bed
  • putting clothes on the bed or in wardrobes without examining them

Then check the bed and also:

  • the mattress
  • zippers
  • the seams
  • padding
  • behind and around the headboard

house cleaning against bedbugs 2023

Also read: How to recognize and treat bedbug bites with homemade remedies?

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