Why plant grass seeds in December? Here is the answer!

by Kremy

Have you ever wondered when is the best time to plant grass seeds? Most people think it’s spring. But what if we told you that’s not even close? Discover the secret to a perfect green and fresh lawn below! Here’s a hint: you can plant grass seeds in December! Are you curious to know why?

Why plant grass seeds in December?

Why plant grass seeds in December

If you want a beautiful outdoor space in the summer, you need to take care of it all year round. And if you think about it, that makes perfect sense. Here’s why you need to refresh your lawn in the winter, especially in December when the weather gets colder and the snow starts to fall:

  • Low temperatures will prevent seeds from germinating until spring.
  • There isn’t much to do in the garden in winter, so why not invest the time to plant grass seed.
  • Spring weather is usually wet, which can delay sowing.
  • By planting grass seeds in the snow, they are less likely to be invaded by weeds. In addition, they are more resistant to summer stress.

How to plant grass seeds in winter?

plant grass seeds in winter when it snows


Of course, before you start, you need to think about some very important things. It’s not just about throwing a few seeds here and there. Here’s a quick guide to success!

Select the right seeds

As you might guess, not all seeds have the same requirements, so you need to choose those that will withstand sub-zero temperatures. Also consider the orientation of your garden. Is it facing south or east with lots of sun or north where it is colder and wetter?

If it’s facing south or east, opt for tall fescue, a cool-season grass that tolerates extreme weather conditions better than other types of grass.

In the second case, prefer Bermuda grass. It thrives in sunny conditions, so you won’t have problems with heat waves.

Another thing to keep in mind is the traffic on your lawn. If you walk on it often, have garden furniture, children play there or have pets, you need to choose the right type of seed. Kentucky bluegrass or perennial ryegrass are good options, perfect in this case.

Choose the right time

You might be tempted to plant your grass seeds as soon as the snow starts to fall, but that’s actually not the best time. Ideally, you should wait for at least 2cm of snowfall before planting grass seed. This will ensure that the soil is moist enough for the seeds to germinate. In addition, the freezing and thawing of the soil will help the seeds penetrate the soil, making it easier for the lawn to take root.

How to do it?

Try to distribute the seeds evenly. This can be difficult, so try this trick to make it easier for you. Mix the small seeds with corn flour or sand. Plow the soil a little before sprinkling the sand mixture and that’s it. Simple, but creative!
