Aphrodisiac essential oils: The 4 essential oils that will bring you pleasure!

by Gabby

Everyone has different ways of describing what is romantic for them. But be sure that the world of essential oils holds something very exciting for you. Certain essential oils can act as superb aphrodisiacs, mood enhancers, and romance makers. Love is a slow burning fire and it needs to be rekindled very regularly to keep the sparkle in your relationship. Aphrodisiac essential oils will help you create unforgettable moments! You can solve problems such as low libido and stress. Let’s find out which are the aphrodisiac essential oils that can improve your life as a couple!

What are the best aphrodisiac essential oils?

what are the best aphrodisiac essentials oils romance valentines day
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You want to spice things up in your relationship? There are times when we find it difficult to express our sexuality, when we want to treat ourselves. Aphrodisiac essential oils are there to rekindle that passion and connection within your body and mind, so that you feel calm and confident. Aphrodisiacs work to break down all barriers of physical, emotional and intimate expression. They can help you calm the nervous system and anxiety, while stimulating desire and sensuality. This is where aphrodisiac essential oils and plant extracts come in. Let’s see which are the best ones out there to try this Valentine’s Day!

The oil with the sexiest scent

ylang ylang essential oils properties aphrodisiac valentine's day romance intimac
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Ylang ylang essential oil is qualified as one of the aphrodisiacs, and in addition one of the most powerful. It has a sexy scent and it is a natural sedative. It promotes a sense of deeper connection and helps increase libido and sexual desire in women and men. To take advantage of Ylang Ylang essential oil with your loved one, add a few drops in a diffuser in the bedroom, add a drop to your body lotion, or mist your sheets or linens with an essential oil room spray. Although there is no clear scientific link between ylang ylang and intimate experience, studies suggest that it can really improve mental health. And because mood is tied to sexual experience, ylang ylang may be a great essential oil for hormone boosting.

Aphrodisiac essential oils: This one could be expensive, but it’s worth it!

jasmine essential oil sensual romance valentines day experience massage
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An interesting study has proven that Jasmine essential oil has hyper-stimulating effects and awakens the autonomic nervous system. Participants in the test group reported feeling more alert and vigorous after massaging the essential oil on their abdomen. Through the massage, they also experienced an increase in breathing rate and blood oxygen saturation. These study results make jasmine a fantastic aphrodisiac essential oil. If you massage in a circular motion on the abdominal area of ​​your body, you should get stimulating effects. Although jasmine oil is one of the most luxurious oils out there, you don’t need a lot for it to be effective. Look for it in organic stores that sell it at prices affordable enough to add it to your aromatherapy without spending too much.

An anti-stress aphrodisiac

neroli essential oils aphrodisiac valentines day massage couple experience romance
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Neroli is an essential oil that helps with mental stress and intimacy issues extremely well. It has a very sweet, warm and uplifting scent. Neroli is a great oil for people who are feeling sad, tense, and maybe even a little angry and frustrated. These are all feelings that can greatly affect your libido and relationship health. Use neroli as your aphrodisiac essential oil of choice to combat negative self-views and low self-esteem. Count on neroli to help you with tension by adding it to your DIY bath salts or applying it to a diffuser at home. I can give you a nice idea! If you are planning on making a Valentine’s Day box for your loved one, you can put on a “love coupon” for a massage with one of these oils!

Aphrodisiac essential oils: Try this one for a romantic experience!

rose essential oil aphrodisiac couples aroma therapy valentines day experience
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Rose essential oil is one of the most popular sleep-well oils in the fragrance industry and is widely known for its impeccably floral and uplifting scent. Roses are essential for creating romance. On an emotional level, rose essential oil relieves depression, stress and frigidity. It would be particularly beneficial to use, if general disinterest in sexual activity is caused by emotional stress or performance anxiety. With just a few drops of essential oil, rub on your neck, behind your ears and inside your wrist and it should stimulate all of your receptors. You can also check how to use Lavender oil and what are its benefits.

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