Playful contemporary furniture design which looks like scribbles

by Kremy

modern industrial furniture design rough sketch series

First time you look at this amazing  contemporary furniture design, a smile comes to your face. You can’t help thinking you are in a cartoon. Designer Daigo Fukawa has created this fantastic collection managing which looks like sketches transferred into real pieces of furniture.

contemporary furniture design rough sketch series bent wire sofa chairs


The series is called “Rough Sketch Products” and was created as a senior thesis of Daigo Fukawa for the graduation of University of Arts in Tokyo. And his thesis became world famous! There is no need to explain the origin of the collection name as it is quite obvious. And if we all know that it takes a long time and a long way for a sketch to become a real piece of furniture this young Japanese creater boldly contradicts to the rule. The collection features various pieces – chairs, armchairs, sofas and stools and impresses with the creativity and approach to contemporary furniture idea.

 daigo fukawa creative furniture rough sketch

All the pieces are made from cleverly bent wire and photographed with a blank background. And this is what causes the illusion. Our eyes see a three dimensional sketch in which people sit on a scribbled drawing or levitate in mid air. And even if these are not the most comfortable chairs or sofas where you would like to relax after a long day, no one could deny the imagination behind this contemporary furniture idea. And if you like sketching and want to experience a cartoon feeling – this is the way to have a moment of fun!

playful furniture design rough sketch series Diago Fukawa sofa

 industrial design furrniture ideas daigo fukawa rough sketch series sofa

industrial furniture rough sketch sofa chairs stool

Imaginative furniture design rough sketch products

unusual furniture Japanese designer Diego Fukawa rough sketches

rough sketch products Diago Fukawa original chair design

funky furniture ideas bent wire

creative fun furniture ideas by Diago Fukawa

contemporary furniture sofa made of bent wire

furniture ideas by daigo fukawa bent wire

bent wire modern furniture ideas japanese designer Diago Fukawa

bent wire furniture creative industrial design



