What diet to follow to lose 5 pounds quickly after the holidays: foods to avoid and favor

by Kremy

The Christmas holidays, so awaited by everyone, convey so much positivism. The festive spirit is charged with spirituality, but also with purely material pleasures. Like good food for example! Dishes and desserts that you only taste once a year. It is for this reason perhaps that we are inclined to overeat. Despite the short holiday season, we put on pounds in a dizzying way, without calculating the calories. If we add the few days of preparations and the remains of the festive table as “gleaning”, we can paint a disturbing picture. Why do we feel helpless? Because laziness gets to us and the solution is one: “What diet to follow to lose 5 pounds quickly after the holidays?” I think this article will give you the necessary info.

What diet to follow to lose 5 pounds quickly after the holidays? Is it possible?

What diet to lose 5 pounds quickly moderate alcohol food consumption

Personally, over the years, I have noticed that the pounds accumulate very quickly, but do not go away as quickly as I want. This is especially true during festive periods, when the euphoria that sweeps us away deprives us of sight and of reason. So, in order not to wonder what diet to do follow to lose 5 pounds quickly after the holidays, avoid hitting the bell. Moderate consumption of food and alcohol is recommended. The same goes for desserts traditional cookies, shortbread and yule log. You won’t be able to hold back? Make a compromise then: use natural sweeteners or maple syrup for the preparation.

If you still haven’t been hard on yourself, I’ll share some tips on how to get into shape as soon as possible. Who knows? You might have better luck than I did!

Without counting calories and without drastically reducing carbohydrates, take advantage of some healthy and sustainable ways to eliminate bloating, and feel more in shape without deprivation. After all, weight loss is not the same as fat loss. It’s relatively easy to shed a few pounds of water weight, but if you’re looking to change your body type, you’ll need to revise your caloric intake.

What is the best way to lose 5 pounds in a few days?

What diet to follow to lose 5 pounds quickly after the holidays drink water


Drink two glasses of water before each meal even if it seems controversial to you. Water intake alleviates food cravings. Forget carbonated and sugary drinks that cause bloating!

There’s a big difference between feeling lean or bloated, and it can be down to just a few liters of water. To reduce bloating, nutritionists suggest sipping dandelion or fennel teas that eliminate water as well. The same effect can be expected if you drink raspberry leaf tea. Also try a celery concoction and take a 500 milligram parsley capsule twice a day.

What diet to follow to lose 5 pounds quickly is undoubtedly the key question after the holidays? OK! I hear you, but a healthy menu in moderation in combination with quality sleep works better. So get eight hours of sleep to get rid of stress hormones and improve your metabolism. There is a proven theory that when you are deficient in vitamin D3, hunger hormones increase. The melatonin that sleep provides is a natural aid in weight loss. Many nutrition specialists claim that this hormone is the key in the fight against the pounds. Except that we do not win the victory as quickly as we want. A calorie burning process takes place while we sleep. It’s called thermogenesis!

How to lose 5 pounds in 1 week menu?

how to lose 5 pounds quickly after the holidays visible results avoid snacks at night

First, try fasting overnight! Stop eating at least two hours before bedtime to give your body time to digest. This inevitably leads to better sleep. If you have a bad habit of getting up in the middle of the night to poke your head into the fridge for something to snack on, call on your willpower to help. A good method to lose 3 to 5 pounds in a week is related to the phases of the moon. Note that this may take more than a week, but on the other hand, it will give visible results.

Enemy No. 1: processed foods! What diet to follow to lose 5 pounds quickly? This means ignoring not only all kinds of snacks (chips, cookies, candy), but also anything pre-packaged (bread, pasta, store-bought cheese).

Opt for whole-grain bread from a local bakery; it won’t be heavily processed and avoid anything made with white flour (it has no nutritional value). Also avoid all dairy products, including Greek yogurt. Instead, consider fruits, vegetables, and broth-based soups that help you feel psychologically and physically fuller.

What role does intermittent fasting play in post-holiday weight loss?

what is the best way to lose 5 pounds after the holidays intermittent fasting beneficial health

Only positive! A time-limited diet, when you fast for 12 to 14 hours between dinner and breakfast will give you a metabolic boost. Intermittent fasting adapted to your daily routine is beneficial for your health in general, but if you want to lose a few pounds after the holidays, this is the best you can do it.


