Which Flowers to Plant in September in California? 10+ Beautiful & Easy-to-Grow Options

by Kristiyana

Fall is almost here, and September would be the perfect month to plant some beautiful flowers that we can later enjoy and marvel at. But which flowers to plant in September in California? What species will thrive and delight our eyes with their blooms? 

Which Flowers to Plant in September in California?

best flowers to plant in september in california

Choosing the best flower species to plant during September in California might be a more difficult task than you thought it would. Some require extensive care, while others are prone to pests and diseases. That’s why it is highly important that you choose wisely, as to not have all your hard work done in vain. But luckily for you, our expert editors have thoroughly researched the subject and will provide you with the best flower varieties to plant right now in California. Read on to find out more about them.


dahlias for a beautiful flower garden by spring


Oh, lovely, lovely Dahlias! These pretty flowers are ones of the easiest varieties to grow in California during September. They don’t require any fertilizing, live on little water, and can thrive in any type of soil. The best option would be to grow Dahlias in containers, as you will be able to enjoy them anywhere around the house, whether inside or outside. Just be careful with garden pests like squirrels, rabbits and deer as they also enjoy these flowers. Maybe a little too much, even. A neat trick is to sprinkle red pepper flakes around your flowers. This will protect them from unwelcomed guests.


daisies are super easy to grow

Daisies have been a favourite flower of mine ever since I was a little girl. They just have this simple and delicate elegance that I often think a lot of people overlook. Daisies are perfect to plant during September in California, as they are very heat tolerant. While not all flowers in this article can thrive in full-sun and heat, for Daisies the hotter it is and the more sunlight they are exposed to, the better. Plus, these flowers are pest-resistant. The perfect choice, don’t you think?


plant tulips in the flower garden in september in california

You might be surprised by this one, but Tulips are actually a great choice when it comes to flower planting during September in California. You can marvel at their bright shades of yellow, orange, red, purple and lots more by springtime in containers, flower boxes, raised garden beds and in regular soil. Tulips can survive the cold and sometimes even brutal winter. What you should be careful about is protecting your plants from frosts, as such can kill Tulips. Also beware of squirrels, chipmunks and rabbits as these animals do enjoy eating a tulip every now and then.


petunia flower planting and care tips

Petunias are a wonderful annual flower that can bloom until the first days of November. However, it mostly thrives in heat. Like Daisies, you’ll notice that with Petunias, the hotter it is, the more they bloom. They are a very low-maintenance flower, perfect for any garden. You can grow Petunias in pots, hanging baskets, window boxes, in soil – anywhere! When it comes to pests, look out for rabbits and chipmunks. You can use the red pepper flakes trick to deter them. Also, be advised that when the constant temperature drops to 35 °F/1 °C, Petunias will wilt and then die.


plant marigolds during september in california

Does your garden experience early spring frosts or late fall ones? Then Marigolds would be the perfect flower to plant for an extended flower garden season! These beauties thrive in the cold, as well as in heat. You can enjoy their blooms for a period of 6 to 8 months during the year, while all you need to do is deadhead them. Wish you could attract pollinators to your beautiful flower garden? With Marigolds, this is an easy task! Be sure to enjoy the company of bees, butterflies and birds with these flowers. Marigolds may be a more insect-resistant flower, but be sure to watch out for spider mites as their biggest enemies.

Also read: The Top 3 Red Flowering Shrubs to Plant This Fall


lilies as a delicate and elegant flower choice in your fall garden

What other beautiful flowers can you plant in September in California? Lilies, of course! Everybody loves Lilies. They are a delicate and elegant flower, that will bring a sophisticated touch to your flower garden. Lilies grow great with vertical gardening. They can be planted in small spaces or in between other plants as cross-pollinators. When planting them, best to do it in a raised garden bed or in a fenced area close to your house, as to protect them from deer. These animals love Lilies. Also, extensive heavy rains can cause root rot and disease, so make sure you protect your Lilies from such.

More Flowers to Plant in September in California

which flowers to plant in september in california

  • Daffodils
  • Pansies
  • Zinnias
  • Coneflowers
  • Sweet Alyssums
  • Black-Eyed Susans
  • California Poppies

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