How to freeze homemade tomato sauce from fresh tomatoes: the right method + meal ideas

by Kremy

Who can resist a tasty dish with a delicious homemade sweet and savory tomato sauce? We know we can’t! Tomatoes are many people’s favorite. Throw them in a pan or oven, eat them in a salad or an appetizing sandwich with avocado, melted cheese, ham and caramelized onions… They give almost any dish that unmistakable, tangy taste, slightly salty and slightly sweet, which feels like the missing ingredient. Today we are going to tell you how to freeze homemade tomato sauce and which recipe to use! Are you hungry? Let’s go!

How to freeze homemade tomato sauce?

How to freeze homemade tomato sauce

Can you freeze homemade tomato sauce? Yes of course! If you want to have a whole batch of fresh tomato sauce all year round, then freeze it! The taste doesn’t go away and it’s a much better solution than eating cardboard-tasting tomatoes. Yuck! Do you have a bountiful crop of tomatoes and you have no idea what you can use them for? You don’t want it wasted? So there are two options. You can either freeze whole fresh tomatoes or a pre-made sauce. Here’s how:

How to freeze homemade tomato sauce?

Freezer meals are one of the biggest helpers of moms all over the world. Once you have finished preparing the most delicious tomato sauce, you can put it in zip lock bags, ice cubes or muffin cups. We don’t recommend glass jars, as there have been far too many instances of the jars exploding in the freezer. And the consequences were… gore, to say the least. However, if you store it in one of the three containers we mentioned, you can take the amount of sauce you need instead of heating the whole amount and refreezing it afterwards. Thawing and refreezing leads to a weaker taste. On the other hand, you will see that over time the sauce will taste less acidic (conservation in the freezer after months). Then a drizzle of vinegar or lemon will do.

Freeze whole fresh tomatoes

Just put them whole in a zip lock bag and use them as needed. For example, you can boil them first, then peel the skin and let them cook in the pan (it melts right away). You can also put them whole in the pan. In any case, they will have retained their good taste.

Frozen tomato sauce recipe

Recipe for bolognese sauce


First of all, can you freeze pasta with tomato sauce? The answer is yes. Is it okay to freeze pasta with tomato sauce? No. And we’ll explain why! In general, pasta is best when eaten fresh. Even if you can do this, as we can all put homemade lasagna in the freezer, the end result of reheating it can be quite mushy (no pun intended!). We, therefore, recommend that you do not put boiled pasta in the sauce and put everything in the freezer, but freeze only the sauce and boil the pasta while waiting for it to defrost. Here’s a tomato Bolognese sauce recipe for the world’s most comforting dish!

This is Adam Ragusea’s original recipe. Watch the video tutorial below, where it is explained how to freeze bolognese sauce.

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