Lighting in a musical studio and decorating ideas

by Kremy


An important element of the musical studio and recording room’s design is lighting and especially – lighting effects. There are various options, which give the opportunity for making the place very attractive. This is the part of our home, which should be best lit and where any all colour shades can be used without any limits. The musical room should be a place, which has good natural lighting and sufficient air space.

Modern apartment musical studio



For a musical studio, however, a place with more synthetic lighting should be chosen. It can come from different sources. Spot lights and projectors are one of the opportunities for strong lighting, directed to a specific object. Flexible diode lines in various colours, placed all around the room, as well as hard colour diodes, placed on the ceiling or floor, are not only a light source, but are also part of the decoration, helping create a good atmosphere and mood, it is a well known fact that lighting control brings dynamic to closed places.

Stylish musical studio lighting


Light and slow changes of colour depth have a positive effect on the tonicity. And that is very important when working in a recording studio. LED systems are a very convenient option. They can be built in the floor or ceiling, as they are very thin. Different shapes can also be chosen for them – round or square. A portion of them can shift between different colour ranges, thus making the place very attractive. This way, it can even be used as a home discotheque. An intriguing idea for a musical studio is having a central light source, placed above the area, where the musical instrument is situated.



Fine vertical lines can be placed on the walls to attract the eye upwards towards the central light source – the crystal chandelier. If it has different coloured lights, the lighting would look more attractive. Wall lamps are also appropriate for a musical room, as they bring a romantic and enchanting atmosphere to the room’s interior design. This room can be used for home concerts. Lighting in a musical room or home recording studio is one of the main conditions for creating comfort for both the person using it, as well as the other family members and their guests, that’s why it should be chosen very carefully.

Text by B. Angelov



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