Pluto in Aquarius 2024 – How is This Major Transit Going to Affect Each of the Zodiac Signs?

by Stephanie Yankova

On 20 January 2024, Pluto, the planet of transformation, entered the sign of Aquarius after spending almost 15 years under the rulership of Capricorn. What does this major transit mean, and how is it going to affect each one of the zodiac signs? Here’s everything Pluto in Aquarius has in store for us!

pluto in aquarius 2024 impact on the zodiac signs

What does Pluto in Aquarius Mean?

Aquarius is the sign of innovation, technology, forward-thinking, and future. It’s a rebel who loves their freedom and fights vigorously for it. The energy of this sign is incredibly idealistic and always aimed at the greater good, it pushes ideas about revolutionary changes, humanitarian causes, and the overall betterment of us as a society. Aquarius is tightly connected to communities, and it tears down everything old and stale that doesn’t work in favor of humanity in order to invite in a new, favorable energy.

Pluto is the smallest planet in our Solar system, and also the slowest-moving one. It takes about 15–20 years for it to go through each zodiac sign, which means that it has a really large impact, driving important processes in each of us. Pluto is ruled by Hades, the God of the underworld, and is associated with Scorpio and the 8th house. It governs our sacred inner world, the subconsciousness, transformation, eradication, and rebirth. Its energy works slowly, and it penetrates deeply which triggers in us a radical change from within, which then shapes our reactions and perception of the world. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, it liberates us from everything that doesn’t serve our highest purpose and allows being reborn into our strengths.

Pluto in Aquarius is a position that welcomes a long-awaited ending. If you’ve been feeling like you’re on the wrong path, or there are certain circumstances that limit you from being your authentic self and living up to your potential, now is the time to take a different course of action. This can be scary for some, as it may require you to completely eradicate your current self, but it’s important to know that what may seem critical at the moment will give you the freedom that you desire, if you allow yourself to surrender.

How is the Pluto in Aquarius Transit Going to Affect Me?

pluto in aquarius 2024 impact meaning

In 2024, Pluto will remain in the sign of Aquarius until the beginning of September, and after that, it will shortly dip its toes into Capricorn again because of its retrograde phase which will occur on the 2nd of May. This is going to be the only Pluto retrograde for 2024, after which it will re-enter Aquarius on the 19th of November and remain in it until 2044. This transition is putting an end to a 20-year-long cycle for all the cardinal zodiac signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn), and marks the beginning of a new era for them.

If you have an Ascendant, Descendant, Imum Coeli, or MC in the first degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, you can expect to embark on an exciting new adventure that will be extremely beneficial for you in the long run!

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Find out how this transition will affect you based on your zodiac sign:


This transition will completely change the course of your professional relationships, Aries. You may find yourself naturally detaching yourself from some of your colleagues and searching for other, more like-minded people. These new connections will help you get closer to your true self and get back on the path that will lead you to your destiny.


Taurus, get ready to reach new heights in your professional field! You’re about to step into your power and lay the foundations of your legacy. The journey to the top won’t be easy, but your ambition will be generously rewarded!


Gemini, this is a time for you to learn from your mistakes and reevaluate your choices. You may have moments of doubt, which is why you need to tap into the deep parts of yourself and pay attention to what sits right with you, and what doesn’t. Get out of your comfort zone and try something that doesn’t usually come naturally to you – you will be surprised to see where these new paths may lead you!


You’re on a path of deep emotional transformation, Cancer. Right now, you may feel like even your closest people find it hard to relate to you, but you must see this as an opportunity for you to withdraw and work on yourself, instead of getting into a victim state of mind. You are asked to unlearn old habits, break unhealthy patterns, and most importantly – cater to your own needs before anyone else’s.


Leo, this period will shine a light on your interpersonal relationships. It’s time for you to rearrange your priorities in a way that leaves room for your family, friends, and partner. By doing that, you will be able to approach those connections more authentically, and therefore make them much stronger and long-lasting.


Over the next 20 years, Virgo, you will be given a chance to invest your time and energy into an area that you feel innately interested in. You will have to undergo a radical change in the way you approach life on a day-to-day basis, which may include introducing new habits into your routine or unlearning old ones that are no longer beneficial to you. Through maintaining your work ethic and meticulous approach, you will ascend in your endeavors.


Libra, you are about to become a creative powerhouse! Now is the time to share your ideas with the world and bear the fruits of your labor. The activation of your creative genius will also have a strong reflection on your love life. You will feel inspired to establish a deeper bond with your significant other, or even take your relationship to the next level by adding a new member to your family!


Scorpio, this is an extremely favorable time for you to break generational traumas and heal from family wounds. Whether you choose to take a holistic approach or go down the traditional psychology route, these practices are of utmost importance for now, more than ever, to help you overcome the limitations that are holding you back from tapping into your full potential.


Sagittarius, you will notice a sudden shift in the way you present yourself in society, as if you’re entering a more mature stage of your life.  You’ll find yourself completely unbothered by the mundane, as you’re tapping into a newfound grounding energy that’s helping you remain level-headed and laser-focused.


As you’re probably already assuming, this is a period of great financial wins for you, Capricorn. Just make sure that there aren’t any unresolved financial matters. Once you sort those out, you will get on the highway to the financial freedom you’ve been striving for all those years!


Aquarius is entering your sign for the first time since you’ve been born, which is activating a really strong power source for you. If you’ve been feeling like up until this moment you’ve just been floating in the atmosphere with no direction or definite goal, this is about to change now! You’re finally finding your foot and your uniqueness is about to be celebrated in a whole new way!


This is a time of spiritual and emotional growth for you, Pisces. Give yourself space to withdraw and reflect, but without disconnecting from reality, as what you learn should be immediately implemented in your life for you to see real and substantial progress. Trust your intuition and allow yourself to be guided by it.

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