Squirrel Craft Ideas (+Template): 3 Fall Crafts with Toilet Rolls, Natural Materials & Paper

by Kristiyana

Fall is right around the corner – just the perfect time to make creative decorations with your children. For example, you can try some cute squirrel craft ideas!

Whether a beautiful collage with fall leaves, nuts and cones or cute animals made out of toilet paper rolls – with the following creative ideas, every craft enthusiast will get their money’s worth.

Squirrel Craft Ideas: Creative Collages with Natural Materials

autumn decoration crafting oak corns from natural materials squirrel craft ideas

The first idea is very simple and will even work well for children in kindergarten. Create collages with squirrel silhouettes and decorate them with natural materials. Collect acorns, nuts, twigs and fall leaves during a walk in the forest or nearby park. Let the fall leaves dry overnight on a newspaper. You can also press the fall leaves with books; this is the quickest way to process them the next day. You can also use natural wooden discs from the craft shop or small cones as a substitute. Alder cones are particularly suitable for handicrafts.

Read also: 4 DIY Fall Cardboard Art Ideas for Kids That Are Both Fun and Educational!

little acorns with autumn leaves squirrel craft with paint


The necessary materials:

  • Alder cones (or other small cones)
    or pressed and dried fall leaves
    or natural tree slices for the squirrel’s tail
  • Acorns
  • Watercolour paints or coloured paper
  • Template
  • Hot glue
  • Scissors


  1. Let the fall leaves dry and press them. Also let the tree slices or alder cones dry.
  2. Print out the template and paint with it watercolours or stick with coloured paper.
  3. Paint the eyes and nose of the squirrel.
  4. Glue the acorns in place.
  5. Attach the natural materials – tree slices, alder cones, fall leaves.

Interested in creating some cute & easy DIY fall decorations with pumpkins? Check out these 2 simple tutorials.

Squirrel Craft Template

squirrel paper craft squirrel craft template

If you wish, you can also paint the tail as you like or stick cotton wool or regular cotton on it to make it nice and fluffy. Then simply decorate the collage with fall materials of your choice so that the end result is a beautiful fall picture.

Crafting for Fall : Animals from Toilet Paper Rolls

squirrel craft ideas squirrels out of toilet paper rolls

For the next idea, you need coloured paper, scissors and a toilet roll. Make one or more squirrels out of toilet rolls with your children. You can make several animals and use them as finger puppets, or arrange them together with a homemade hedgehog craft and bird figures in a shoebox. This is a quick and uncomplicated way to create beautiful forest landscapes. And it is a particularly good way to illustrate or explain the turn of the year to young children. But adults and children in primary school will certainly also enjoy the opportunity to give free rein to their creativity and conjure up cool decorations for the windowsill or coffee table. By the way, the squirrels made of toilet rolls can also be used as pen holders.

For the cute animals, you need the following materials:

  • Toilet roll
  • Coloured paper (pink, dark and light brown, gold)
  • Scissors
  • Adhesive
  • Black fine liner or felt tip pen
  • Optional: paints and brushes


  1. Print out the template and cut out the individual details (tail, body, paws, snout).
  2. Either paint the toilet roll brown or stick it with brown clay paper.
  3. Put together the squirrel’s “face” and stick it on.
  4. Paint the mouth and teeth.
  5. Cut out the tail and stick it on.

Template for the Squirrel from Toilet Paper Roll

squirrel craft template squirrel template

You can of course make several animals in different colours and arrange them in groups. Also, you can use this template for the next craft idea. Below, we explain how you can make squirrels out of felt and pine cones.

Liked creating something cute and easy with toilet paper rolls? Here are some simple bat crafts ideas you can try for Halloween!

Squirrel Craft Ideas with Felt and Pine Cones

easy squirrel craft squirrel craft ideas

The last idea in today’s post is super simple and good even for absolute beginners. You will need felt fabric in different shades of brown and cones to put together squirrels from natural materials. The result will impress kids and adults alike and makes a beautiful DIY fall decoration for the mantelpiece or windowsill in the living room. Long-lasting and super easy to recreate!

The necessary materials:

  • Felt in light, dark brown, black and orange
  • Hot glue or adhesive for felt and wood. You may also be able to use universal glue.
  • Pine cones

Collect pine cones during a walk in the forest. Wash them, clean them carefully and leave them to dry overnight. If you wish, you can paint the cones. However, this task is left to the parents.

Otherwise, making the squirrel crafts is a child’s play. Proceed as follows:

  1. First print out the template, cut out the details from paper and transfer them to the felt.
  2. Cut out the details from felt and assemble the squirrel. If you wish, you can paint the acorn freehand on felt and cut it out.
  3. Glue the details on. The beautiful fall decoration is ready.

Surprise family and friends with these fun and easy fall crafts! Conjure up beautiful fall decorations for the window, the mantelpiece or for the side table in the children’s room. You only need a few materials that every craft enthusiast has at home anyway – clay paper, painting colours, felt fabrics and natural materials that you can collect on your next walk. The results are fascinating, and even small children will have no problem making them.

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