What Colors Complement Blue – 10 Ideas for Harmonious Interior Designs

by Kremy

Blue is a color loved by many because it is associated with sea and sky. Shades of blue are associated with harmony and trust. What colors complement blue and how to use them in interior design? The blue color offers many design options – it can be the main palette of the interior and can be combined with other – both bright and muted – colors.

Understanding the Blue Color and the Color Wheel

What Colors Complement Blue 10 Ideas for Harmonious combinations

Blue has many shades, from light to an almost black navy blue, and therefore can be used for different styles of decoration – from classic to modern, from minimalism to baroque luxury.

The light warm tones like Tiffany blue create a feeling of harmony and relaxation, calmness and lightness, volume and space. And this is not surprising, because it is this color that is considered a symbol of serenity. What colors complement blue and how to combine it with other colors in the interior design of a home?

how color wheel works


The color wheel is one of the main tools of designers and decorators for combining colors. It is designed so that combinations of any colors will look good together so one should know how it works. Harmonious color combinations are called color schemes. Color schemes remain harmonious regardless of the angle of rotation. There are different types of color schemes – analogous, complementary, triadic, rectangular, square, etc. Choosing a particular color scheme depends on the purpose of the design and the number of shades needed.

monochromatic interior design bedroom decor ideas

Monochromatic combinations are based on three shades of the same color. For example, blue, light blue and even lighter blue. That is a safe combination that allows you to create a harmonious design. To avoid monotony, designers add visual interest by using the shades in different proportions – one of the shades is dominant and the other two auxiliary.

analogous triadic color scheme and combinations

Analogous color schemes combine from two to six colors that are located one after another on the color wheel.

A complementary color scheme is a combination of two contrasting colors that emphasize each other and are located opposite each other on the color wheel. Such combinations look bright, bold and they attract attention.

complementary colors yellow and blue

Triadic color schemes combine three colors that create contrasting combinations. The colors are spaced from each other by an equal distance.

Tetradic and square combinations include four colors that form a square or rectangle on the color wheel. Two of these four colors are complementary.

What Colors Complement Blue and How to Combine Them?

What Colors Complement Blue and How to Choose Them

In its pure form, blue is not one of the sought-after shades. Many people consider it dark and gloomy, so they prefer neutral or warm tones. However, when you combine it with other colors, you can create magnificent interiors in a variety of styles.

Understanding the Blue Color and the Color Wheel

Light shades of blue help overcome claustrophobia which makes them ideal for small rooms. Deep blue combined with green gives a sense of security. The combination of blue and green is natural and exists in nature. Pale blue color perfectly balances a warm room, which is why it is so loved in hot countries. A room painted blue is subconsciously perceived as cool. The blue palette is quite wide, varied and rich. If this shade is chosen as a main tone for the walls, soft and pastel colors like sky blue, pale or dusty blue are suitable. Let’s see what colors complement blue and how to create harmonious combinations.

What Colors Complement Blue: White-Blue is a classic and stylish combination

trendy interior designs blue white color scheme

The combination of stylish white with luxurious blue is classic. This is the perfect pair for beach themed or nautical styled interiors. White creates an atmosphere of lightness and ease. Cold shades of blue together with white refresh the room. Bright blue textile accessories will add charm and extravagance. Pairing white with blue is also a way to visually enlarge a room. White reflects light well, making the room appear clearer and more spacious.

How to Combine Blue with Yellow?

How to Combine Blue with Yellow in home Interiors

Many people wonder what colors complement blue and are afraid of contrasting cobinations. Yellow is one of the colors that complements blue perfectly, although you may think that they are conflicting colors. The yellow-blue combination is a kind of drama. Even shades that are pale can create an unusual contrast of warm and cold.  Of course, shades matter and the choice will depend on the style and the atmosphere that you want to create. Choose pastel shades if you want to create a calmer interior and rich, saturated tones if you are aiming at visual contrasts. The yellow-blue combination is most often balanced by adding neutral shades like white, pink, green, gray or brown.

Blue And Red Color Combination – How to Use It in Home Interiors?

Blue And Red Color Combination Home Interiors

Does red complement blue? Of course, it does, as long as you know how to use both colors. Blue and red have many interesting shades and professional designers show harmonious interiors in these colors. Red and blue have the opposite energy, as they are located on different sides of the color wheel: classic red refers to warm colors while blue – to cold ones. And here comes the experience of a professional – to choose the right shades and proportions. One of the main rules when combining red and blue is to decide which one of them will be dominant. If your main color is blue, then red should be used to complement it. For example, a combination of light blue as a background and warm red as an accent looks very organic in the interior. White helps balancing these two colors. It balances their force and energy and making the interior more comfortable.

Pink Complements Blue Perfectly

Pink Complements Blue Perfectly

The combination of blue and pink will be the right solution if you use only warm or cold shades of these colors. The selected tones for interior design should match each other in brightness. Blue and pink is a very successful combination that can be used in interiors of almost any style.

Blue and Beige Is an Elegant Combination

Blue and Beige color scheme is an Elegant Combination

A deep blue color will become softer and warmer if you add beige. This combination is often used to decorate living rooms and creates a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere. Adding pink and lilac to this combination will give the design a touch of femininity. Dark blue and beige gives the interior simplicity, lightness and encourages communication.

What Colors Complement Blue – Green Shades

What Colors Complement Blue Green Shades

Green and blue are located close to each other on the color wheel. This combination was considered unacceptable but nowadays it is gaining popularity and we see beautiful interiors that have visual depth and harmony. If saturated blue is chosen for the interior, then it is diluted with light green shades.

Blue and Brown Combinations Look Harmonious

Blue and Brown Combinations Look Harmonious

Combinations of blue and brown shades are often found in nature – the sky and trees, the sea and mountains. The combination of these colors is considered one of the most harmonious and favorable in home interior. How to combine them correctly?

The neutrality of brown reduces the intensity and coldness of blue. To add fresh notes into the space, you should choose gentle combinations. For example, use sky blue as the main color, complementing it with pleasant woody shades. Deep shades of brown and blue can make the interior solid and presentable. They are appropriate in living rooms, offices and libraries.

Can You Use Gray to Complement Blue Color?

You Can Use Gray to Complement Blue Color

Yes, blue and gray combination looks elegant and is perfect for classic interiors. The more saturated the blue tone is, the softer and lighter the gray should be. Graphite color will be a good complement to indigo or cobalt tone.

Combination of Blue and Purple

How to combine Blue and Purple in modern home interiors

Blue and purple balance each other very well. They create an atmosphere of calm and comfort. Purple and blue are “related” colors, and therefore they can blend perfectly if used for interior design. It is advisable to make sure that one of these colors (purple or blue) is dominant. The color combination looks spectacular in well lit rooms. You can add gray, white, anthracite or black as accents (curtains, furniture upholstery, pillows, bedding) but you should avoid too bright colors as they may create a visual disbalance.

Can You Combine Blue and Black Colors?

Can You Combine Blue and Black

The combination of blue and black is very rare to find. To many, it seems extremely gloomy. Different shades of black enhance the coldness of blue and therefore are not suitable for small rooms. Designers advise to use this combination of colors only in spacious rooms.


