24 Decorating ideas with tree trunks – old elements in the interior

by Kremy

decorating ideas with tree trunks side table

Check out these beautiful creative decorating ideas with tree trunks and use the old and unnecessary  wood for your indoor or outdoor furniture. Let your imagination free and decorate the tree trunk with a bit of creative thinking and create a truly interesting decorative element for the interior.

decorating ideas with tree trunks garden decoration ideas candles


If you have a cut tree in the garden, you should make the most of this situation and use the decorating ideas with tree trunks in a really creative way for garden design. Let’s make the old tree trunk a truly original flower pot by planting different flowers in the tree trunk.

decorating ideas with tree trunks side table patio decoration

 You can even add a bit of moss for a more natural appearance. The tree trunk, you can use it as a decorative element for garden equipment. Create a garden table from it or use cut tree trunks as stools for the seating area on the terrace.

Decorating ideas with tree trunks planted flowers

 tree trunks elements and garden decoration

Decorating ideas with tree trunks elements in interior garden patio table

Decorating ideas tree trunk elements in interior wood flower pot

 tree trunk bird house

 tree trunk elements balcony dining area

Decorating ideas with tree trunk elements in interior flower pot

 with tree trunk elements garden

 tree trunks side table idea living room

The cut tree trunk, you can use of course also for interior decoration. The decorating ideas with tree trunks for the interior of the house are also numerous and very creative. In most cases, the tree trunk serves as a beautiful decoration table where you can put flowers, a telephone or other items. A collection of logs makes the perfect coffee table for the living room.

 coffee and side tables decorating ideas with tree trunks

Other interesting possibilities for the use of the trunks are table lamp and tree stand. For better effect, you can paint the in different colors so that it better matches the interior.

 elements in interior white table

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home furniture design

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Decorating ideas with tree trunks golden coffee table

Decoration tree trunk elements in interior design furniture





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