The TOP 5 Essential Oils for Nail Growth + Grandma’s Recipe for DIY Natural Serum

by Gabby

Are you struggling to grow your nails every month, because it takes too much time or they break after a while? Unfortunately, a lot of women have the same issue. But here’s what to do if you want long, strong and beautiful nails! What are the essential oils for nail growth that you can use? How to apply them at home?

Essential Oils for Nail Growth: Strengthen Your Manicure with Minimal Effort

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Every woman dreams of the perfect manicure, because nails give away whether we are well-groomed or not. I’m not talking about the color or the decoration of your nails, but just whether they look nice and pretty or if they are broken and cracked. Like almost every part of our body, they also need to be nourished. A lot of how they look depends on whether we eat healthy, but also whether we use the right products. In fact, you don’t even need to visit the salon that often, just choose what works well for your nails. Today, we’re going to let you in on the secret of essential oils and their power to make your nails healthy and make them grow fast. What are these oils?

How Do I Make My Nails Grow Faster?

To make your nails grow fast you need to change your lifestyle a little. This is a process that requires you to be careful with what you’re eating and make healthy choices. It is essential to have a balanced diet, where you include a lot of vegetables and fruits. You need to take vitamins and minerals, mainly Biotin, which will help you in having long and healthy nails. External nourishment is also important! Essential oils and nail serums that you can make at home will help with this. These are the essential oils that you need to try for best results:

tea tree essential oil properties nail growth natural recipes


Does Tea Tree Oil Grow Nails?

Tea tree oil has been used since the early centuries and people used it in their medicine back then. Since those times it has been preserved as one of the best oils that has many benefits. It is used to heal wounds, to prevent or treat acne, to heal irritated skin, and also for nails. The oil is known for anti-inflammatory properties, but also for the overall health of the nails. With that being said, you can apply from 1 to 2 drops per hand and massage it gently onto your nails. You can also treat nail fungus, since tea tree oil is known to be antifungal.

Lavender Essential Oil for Nails

Lavender oil not only has this wonderful aroma that has a calming effect, but it’s one of the best essential oils to apply to your nails. It can soothe the skin around them and nourish them. Also, this oil can hydrate well and thus make your nails grow faster. For optimum effect, apply at night before bed, just a few drops and massage into your cuticles and nails.

Rosemary Essential Oil

As you have already heard, rosemary oil helps hair growth and many women apply it in their daily routine. This is because it is full of many antioxidants and also antibacterial components. Out of all the oils, rosemary oil will give you the fastest results as it is probably the strongest and most effective. It will not only make your nails grow faster, but it will also repair them and make them healthier and stronger. We don’t recommend using it alone, but it’s better to combine it with jojoba oil. Apply 1–2 drops of rosemary oil and add 2 to 3 drops of jojoba oil and massage again.

rosemary essential oil for nail growth natural diy home remedies fast results

Grapefruit Essential Oil

Have you ever tried using grapefruit essential oil before? This is our recent discovery and we are loving it at the moment! Let me start with the benefits first. This oil reduces stress, it helps with skin inflammation and it has antibacterial purposes. It will also promote healthy nails and it will make them grow faster and stronger in no time. Also, the smell of this particular oil is amazing!

grapefruit essential oil for nail growth natural recipes diy home (1)

Essential Oils for Toenail Growth

Let’s not forget that we have to take care of our toenails as well. The best essential oil that you can use on them is the eucalyptus one. It has anti-inflammatory purposes and it is antibacterial as well. It is great against nail fungus and also it will promote healthy growth and stronger nails. It will soothe any dry areas and it will make your toenail looking brand-new. This eucalyptus essential oil can also be used on your nails. Massage 2 to 3 drops on them gently.

Read also: These are the 8 essential oils that soothe mosquito bites and relieve itching!

DIY Nail Strengthener Serum at Home: Natural Grandma’s Recipe

diy nail growth serum natural recipe home

Let me let you in on a little secret recipe! This is my grandma’s actual natural home remedy that I used every single day and it actually works. It is made from all natural ingredients that will help you with nail growth. What you are going to need:

  • 1/2 tablespoon aloe vera gel
  • 3 tablespoons castor oil
  • 1 vitamin E capsule
  • 1 garlic clove
  • a rosemary stem


Grab a small bowl and add the aloe vera gel with the castor oil, and mix well. Squeeze in the capsule of vitamin E inside and mix again. Mince well the garlic clove and add it into the mixture. Take a small bottle and add the ingredients, then place the stem of rosemary as shown on the photo. Let it sit in the fridge overnight. Apply this every day onto your nails and toenails for optimal results, by massaging gently.

Read also: Find out how can you use essential oils for garden pests this Summer!

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