How to Make a Mum for Homecoming? Craft This Creation to Celebrate School and Youthfulness!

by Snezhana Besarabova

Mum for homecoming is a tradition which comes from the South states of US, and is often connected with school celebration events like football matches, other sports and dances. This decoration is typically made from artificial flowers, ribbons, trinkets, and other ornamental elements, and it can be quite extravagant in design. Do you want to learn the mastery how to make a mum for homecoming? What materials you should prepare for this venture?

What is a Mum for Homecoming?

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A “mum” for homecoming, also known simply as a “homecoming mum,” is an ornamental corsage or artificial flower arrangement, which is usually worn by high school pupils when they have their homecoming occasions in many parts of the United States, particularly the South ones. Homecoming is a classic high school event that memorializes the going back of alumni to their previous school, where they’ve been learning, often combined with a football game, dance, and a variety of events. Typically, the homecoming mum is a big and long, complicated, and ornate accessory, which students, in most cases girls, hang on their clothes while they celebrate the gathering with their former schoolmates. They are normally pinned to the pupil’s clothes or hung as a necklace.

What Does a Mum Symbolize?

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The word “mum” is a short name for “chrysanthemum”, this type of flower, which is often added in the corsages. Though, this term has changed in its meaning and now includes an ample diversity of materials and designs, so chrysanthemums are not always meant. These ornamental wearings are often dyed in the school’s colors and may feature this institution by writing its name, and incorporating the mascot, or logo. They symbolize students’ support and admiration for their school, its celebration events and sports teams. These decorative wearings can be strongly personalized, with elements, which image the owner’s interests, the reached success, and personality. Interchanging and gifting these accessories between friends and romantic partners has become an ordinary social tradition during homecoming celebrations. It’s a way for pupils to communicate and express appreciation for one another. So, if you are a student’s parent, relative or friend, you are probably eager to learn how to make a mum for homecoming.

Materials You Need to Make a Homecoming Mum

how to make a mum for homecoming step by step

If you wonder how to make a mum for homecoming, it should be noted that this task is pleasing, and it will hardly take you more than an hour or two. The ornamental accessory consists of two basic parts, the main of which is its top and the other one is the set of hanging down ribbons. When it comes to making your own DIY homecoming mum, you have a few opportunities. You can begin by cutting out the parts, or purchase a sort of base decoration like the one presented in this article. Which means that you take from the shop some solid ribbons and already has the basis part of your creation, including the top with ribbons around it.

DIY Homecoming Mum Tutorial

how to make a mum for homecoming stick additional ribbons

At most high schools, the seniors wear silver and white mum, as pictured here. Though, each school has its own traditions, and the symbols included in this decoration are variable.

Embellishing with Ribbons

how to make a mum for homecoming staple the ribbons

Then it’s classic to apply ribbons with stickers revealing your name, graduation year, and your school name. Staple all the additional ribbons over of the purchased ones, which form the base of the decoration. When considering how to make a mum for homecoming, you don’t have to feel restricted to just ribbons, but add other elements like pop strands of feathers. Other possible supplements are bells, whistles, and a variety of noisemakers, which to staple along with your DIY ribbons.

Personalize with School Mascots and Lettering

how to make a mum for homecoming add the school symbol (1)

Once your ribbons are all in place, you probably would like to personalize the mum flowers at the top. Teddy bears are a very traditional choice, but you may also want to feature your school mascot. Here the school mascot is an owl, so not only a silver owl is added (a wooden silhouette painted in silver with written letters), but there is also a teddy bear holding a small owl. You can also add lettering, like the word “homecoming” on the upper part. These elements are hot glued onto the decoration.

Making Mum’s Attachment to Clothing

how to make a loop ribbon for hemecoming mum

Now, you might be wondering, how does someone wear this ornament? The type of attachment should be considered. Before some time, girls wore big safety pins and pinned the ornament to their clothes. Nowadays, most students wear their mums like a necklace. By attaching a ribbon loop to the top of the ornament, it can be worn over the head. Just staple the ribbon to the back of the decoration and then attach one supporting cardboard backing piece to conceal all the staples. Stick this stabilizing piece of cardboard using hot glue, so it to stay smooth.

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