How to reupholster a chair – useful tips and ideas

by Kremy


Many people wonder how to reupholster a chair. If you are one of them and you think that your favourite chair has seen better days, this article will be useful for you and give you tips and ideas how to give a new look to an old chair. It could be that you found a wonderful chair at a garage sale which only needs a small amount of work and will be the perfect chair for your living room, bedroom or any other room in your home.

How to reupholster a chair –step by step instructions

How-to-reupholster-a-chair-DIY materials list


Reupholstering a chair is a great way to make an old piece of furniture look new again. Sometimes fabrics get stained, worn out or you simply do not like the color and the motifs of the fabric. We will try to help you learn how to reupholster a chair and save money while doing so.

Step One: Choose your fabric and gather your materials

How-to-reupholster-a-chair-DIY how to attach batting

You can choose something that will match with the other furniture in the room – fabric, leather or other durable material. Measure the area of ​​the chair that you will cover so that you have a clear idea how much fabric you need to buy. Do not forget to add a few inches on each side. You can only change the cover but it will be a good idea to replace the foam padding as well, as it has a life span up to 10 years. Make sure you have scissors, stapler and a can of spray adhesive as well.

Step Two: Remove the old cloth

How-to-reupholster-a-chair-DIY home crafts

You need to unscrew the seat of the chair so that you can remove the old fabric. If the chair has a fabric on the backrest you need to remove it as well.

How to reupholster a chair – Step Three: Cut the new fabric

How-to-reupholster-a-chair-how to attach new fabric

reupholster-a-chair-instructions-step by step

The easiest way to cut the new fabric is to use the old one as a template. Put the pieces of fabric that you removed from the chair and lay them on top of the new fabric. Cut the batting at the required size as well.

Step Four: Putting a new fabric

How-to-reupholster-a-chair- tips ideas DIY craft projects

Once all the necessary fabrics are cut to the right size, spray the adhesive and attach the batting. After that you can attach the fabric. Use a staple gun to attach the fabric underneath and behind the chair. Now you have completed the task and you know how to reupholster a chair!

Apply new fabric to the bottom of the chair



Hide the edges with decorative strips



Enjoy the new chair!


Before and after



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