Last Minute Christmas Gifts for Every Zodiac Sign to Get in 2023!

by Stephanie Yankova

Christmas is less than a week away, but don’t panic – you still have plenty of time to buy presents! As the perfectionist and pedantic Virgo that I am, I take the art of gift-giving very seriously! It doesn’t matter if it’s for Secret Santa at the office, my close friend group, or my relatives, you can be sure that I’ll do my homework and give you something that you’ll absolutely love! I have to admit, though, knowing a thing or two about astrology does come in handy when you’re not that close with someone, but you still want to give them a nice surprise. Let me take some weight off your shoulders this Holiday season with this 2023 list of last minute Christmas gifts for every zodiac sign!

Last Minute Christmas Gifts for Every Zodiac Sign

last minute christmas gifts for every zodiac sign 2023

Whether you’re someone who reads through their crush’s natal chart religiously every night before you go to bed (you know who you are), or are a complete skeptic who’s ready to challenge to a duel everyone who dares to claim that you can’t trust a Gemini, you can’t deny that astrology is pretty accurate when it comes to laying down the basics of one’s character. Buying gifts is stressful, especially when you have to do it in a short period of time for more than 1 person. And here’s where you pull out the cheat sheet:

Fire Signs

fire signs illustration leo sagittarius aries

Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, or as I like to call them, firecracker, bonfire, and wildfire, are the definition of passion and willpower. These zodiac signs are bursting with energy! They’re always moving, planning, and doing. In fact, the fiery natives are so focused on their goals, that they oftentimes forget to slow down and unwind. Here are some useful gifts that will remind them how important it is to take a rest every now and then… so you can recharge your batteries and put that energy towards your next big project!

  • Aries – Give them a well-deserved day off with a gift voucher for SPA.
  • Leo – A boujee aroma candle will quickly turn those feisty lions into purring little kittens.
  • Sagittarius – These natives are on a constant quest to better themselves and try new things. Satisfy their hunger with a MasterClass subscription!

Air Signs

air signs illustration gemini libra aquarius

Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius – the three troublesome musketeers. These signs need constant mental stimulation. They’re extremely extroverted, curious, and creative, so they’ll be pretty happy with a gift that either teaches them a new skill or provides them with some new, practical information. Here’s what I suggest:

  • Gemini – You can catch these curious babes with a different book every day – that’s how thirsty they are for information! Get them a Kindle, so they don’t have to choose only one book to carry around.
  • Libra – Honestly, Libras just like pretty things. And what could possibly be prettier than their own reflection? Get them a mirror – it’s really that simple!
  • Aquarius – Most natives of this zodiac sign usually have one particular interest that they are extremely devoted to. Get them something practical that will enrich their hobby.

Earth Signs

earth signs illustration taurus virgo capricorn

Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn like comfort. They are busy bees, and at the end of the day, there’s nothing they’d like more than to just shut off the world and unwind in the comfort of their home. Give them something they can enjoy in their free time, preferably without sharing it with anyone else – they give too much of themselves to others on a daily anyway!

  • Taurus – If there is one thing that Tauruses like more than food, it’s naps. Just get them a nice, warm, knitted blanket.
  • Virgo – What better gift to give to the mother (father) of the group, than a bottle of nice wine?
  • Capricorn – Get them a business card holder – no explanation needed.

Read also: 15 Old Money Christmas Gift Ideas to Get in 2023 for the Fashion-Forward Women in Your Life!

Water Signs

water signs illustration cancer pisces scorpio

Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio – these zodiac signs are bursting with creativity! They’re art connoisseurs who like to indulge in the finer things in life. Gift them something that they can admire and get inspired by!

  • Pisces – These natives are daydreamers who view the world from a unique lens. A disposable camera would be the perfect gift that will allow them to capture the magic they see in every moment!
  • Cancer – If Tauruses are those who love consuming good food, Cancers are the ones who enjoy preparing it. Get them a book with experimental recipes and watch their creative genius unfold!
  • Scorpio – This zodiac sign likes to know that you pay attention to the little things. Browse through their Instagram, find out who their favorite artist is, and buy them a framed print of their work.

Read also: Which Old Money Perfume Based on Zodiac Sign Is for You?

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