Beach and summer decoration ideas – how to make a flip flop wreath

by Kremy

summer decoration ideas DIY flip flop wreath ideas

Welcome the guests to your summer gathering with original decoration. A flip flop wreath is easy to make and a fantastic summertime craft! How to make such a wreath? We will give you some wonderful and colorful ideas which will bring a smile to everyone’s face!

diy flip flop wreath ideas handmade decoration ideas


A flip flop wreath is easy and fun to make. In addition, the materials are cheap and you can be really creative. Flip flops that are inexpensive are sold at most big shops, and craft stores always have a wide selection of flowers and embellishments so that you can add your own individual and personal touches on the wreath. Here is a list of the basic materials that you will need for your fun summer wreath:

– Several pairs of flip-flops in different colors

– Hot glue gun

– Hot glue sticks

– Mesh, flowers, embellishments, ribbons


how to make flip flop wreath step 1

 step 2

easy summer decoration door wreath ideas colorful

To make a simple flip-flop wreath you need a few free hours, a bit of creativity and imagination. Heat the glue gun. Glue the flip flops by the heel and with the toe pointing away from the wreath center. Allow the wreath to dry completely before decorating it. Use hot glue to attach flowers and different embellishments on to the flip flops.

green mesh pink ribbons summer decoration ideas

You could opt for a DIY deco mesh wreath base and attach the flip flops as a decoration of the wreath. For example – blue and white flip flops with sea shells glued on them make a great beach themed wreath. Flip flops in various colors look really cute and will add to the summer mood. Whatever you choose you can be certain that you will have the best looking summer front door wreath!

how to make flip flop wreath mesh colorful

awesome DIY colorful mesh summer decor

awesome summer decoration blue mesh wreath flowers

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cute wreaths colorful summer decoration easy craft ideas

summer decoration ideas DIY wreath mesh ribbons

pink yellow mesh butterflies

cute wreaths colorful summer decoration

diy front door decoration summertime crafts

diy easy summertime crafts handmade decorations

summer wreath ideas colorful flip flop DIY wreath ideas


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