Trendy Bedroom Interior for Twins – Creative Ideas to Share One Space

by Kremy

Perhaps many parents are anxiously thinking about a renovation of the nursery room for newborn twins or how to place everything necessary for school-age twins in a small area. With a little bit of creativity and good planning you can be sure that it is quite possible to cope with such a task if you take into account some useful recommendations in advance.

Trendy Bedroom Interiors for Twins Creative Ideas How to Share One Space

Where to start from when planning the bedroom interior for twins? Designing the living space for twin children will be different from standard kids’ rooms and at the same time it should be in accordance with the same principles and rules. When arranging such a room, you need to consider:

  • the number of children;
  • age;
  • gender;
  • personal preferences;
  • the possibility of transforming the interior in the future.

house beds in twins bedroom


The visual resemblance does not mean that children will have the same abilities, tastes and views, because we are all different and twins are no exception. Some of the twin girls will draw well, and some will sing; one twin boy will become an athlete, the other a mathematician.

kids bedroom design trends twins room ideas

When you cannot spare a separate room for each of the children, you have to create comfortable conditions for twins in the same room. In the common room, children will grow together, develop, play and learn, well… sometimes even argue. That is why it is so important to try dividing the space into two equal halves. In this way each of the twins will have a small space for personal use where the child can somehow retire.

Bedroom Interior for Twins – How to Choose the Color Scheme?

Bedroom Interior for Twins How to Choose the Color Scheme

If you need to a bedroom interior for twins of the same sex, the choice of the wall colors, curtains and other accessories is not a problem. It is more difficult to choose colors if opposite-sex twins share a bedroom. The good news is that there is a large number of unisex shades that are equally suitable for girls’ and boys’ interiors. For example, light gray tones with silver, shades of blue, pastel colors, etc. Classic patterns like stripes, zigzags or geometric patterns like dots, rhombuses, ovals are also suitable for both boys and girls.

textile and wall decoration ideas in twins bedroom

The task will be much easier if your children already have a favorite color, so it makes sense to ask their opinion when choosing a color scheme for the room. Decorating a bedroom interior for twins of different sex allows you to select two main colors, themed accessories, and sometimes even furniture in different styles. In this way the room is organically divided and each child has his own place with his favorite colors.

Trendy Bedroom Interior for Twins – Decoration Materials

light color scheme in twins bedroom

When decorating a twins’ room, consider the activity of children and their personal needs. Choose high-quality, sustainable materials. These include laminate, parquet, solid wood, cork, wallpaper, wood panels and some types of paints. It is best to cover the floor with one material. Different wall finishes make it possible to zone the space. The ceiling can be simply whitewashed.

modern bedroom for twins design and decor tips

For twins of preschool or early school age, the walls can be painted with artistic painting like cartoons, animals, trees, planets. And after a while, the walls can simply be repainted using a different theme that children like.

Define Functional Areas

bedroom for twins ideas functional zones for activities

A bedroom for twins, like any other room, should be arranged so that it has a place for sleep and rest (bed), work and creativity (workplace), wardrobe. If the space is big enough, it is better not to mix these zones.

Place the Beds

how to place beds in twins bedroom

Naturally, a bedroom for twins must have two separate beds, but each of them should be placed in the room so that nothing would cause discomfort to both children.

  • beds can be installed parallel to each other against one of the walls;
  • in a small room, you should think about installing a bunk bed as it saves a lot of space;
  • place beds in the cornet along two of the walls.


workspace in twins bedroom trendy design ideas

A work area will serve as a place for twins to develop creativity, fun board games or write their homework. This area is necessary in any children’s room, regardless of its size. In addition, do not sit the twins at the same table – the children will be uncomfortable and cramped. If you need to save space, use a pair of identical mobile tables or one long tabletop along the wall, complemented by two compact, ergonomic chairs.

Furniture and Accessories

storage furniture for kids bedrooms

In addition to the basic pieces of furniture (beds, tables and wardrobes), we recommend complementing the furnishings with the following:

  • chests for storing personal belongings of twin children;
  • poufs or chairs;
  • a pair of bright rugs near the beds;
  • decorative pillows;
  • original bedside sconces and other pleasant and useful things that will help create a friendly, cheerful and comfortable atmosphere in the nursery.

modern trend bedroom for twins design ideas decor materials

Choose accessories that complement the decoration and furniture, harmoniously combining with the color scheme of the room – drawings, photographs in unusual frames, posters, letters, wall decals, etc. Toys, musical instruments and similar things will also easily decorate the interior.



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