Crafts with Pringles can: Easy and useful DIY ideas to try in January 2023!

by Anjelina

You are coming home after a tiring day at work, but on the way you decide to go to the grocery store for something not so healthy, but good for your soul and your mood! That’s when you see the tempting cans of Pringles waiting for you to pick up and enjoy that cheat day (or night)! Sound familiar? Relax, we all do it! But is it worth getting rid of the empty cans right away? No, of course not! In today’s article, we’ll give you lots of ideas for crafts with Pringles can that will come in handy in your everyday life!

3 easy crafts with Pringles can

Crafts with Pringles can diy chips can ideas to try 2023

Think twice before you throw away your Pringles cans – they can make useful accessories. Storage containers, organizers, toys and much more – the possibilities are many, as you’ll find out in a moment. We suggest you take a look at some great ideas and unleash your creativity! Get inspired and get to work! Also, make sure to check our upcycling ideas with plastic bottles to help the planet!

Gift container for cookies

Gift container for cookies surprise sweet lovers with homemade biscuits


Our first idea for how you can use a can of chips is to turn it into a great gift container. Those of you who like to make and give homemade cookies or other small sweets, but don’t know how to package them properly, can borrow this idea and use it whenever you need it! Let’s see what you need!

You’ll need:

  • wrapping paper
  • any decorations of your choice (ribbons, beads, etc.)
  • double-sided tape

How to make a gift container for cookies:

1. Wash the can well to remove the smell of the chips. Dry it well.
2. Use wrapping paper by taping it to the outside of the can. It is easiest to wrap double stick tape around the can to stick the paper on top. Use a pretty ribbon in an appropriate color and make a bow. Add it to make the gift look even more festive. And why not stick a photo of you and the person you’re giving the cookies to? Great idea, isn’t it?
3. Arrange the biscuits (sweets) carefully on top of each other, covering them with baking paper.
4. We recommend you decorate the lid of the can as well.
5. Your gift is ready!

Spaghetti holder

spaghetti holder do it yourself recycle cans at home

Are you a spaghetti lover? Make a handy container to store them in! An empty potato chip can is a great item you can use to make this! That way, spaghetti won’t take up a lot of space, and they’ll always be easily accessible. Great, right?

You will need:

  • colorful paper of your choice
  • double-sided tape
  • webbing (optional)

1. As with the gift container for cookies, simply wrap the can with double-sided tape and add colored paper on top to make the spaghetti holder more pleasing to the eye. Use your imagination and play with colors – let the ordinary Pringles can take on a new look.
2. Add webbing just below the neck of the box to hide any imperfections, if any. Or you can skip this step and leave it as it is.
3. If the spaghetti is too long, make a lid from another can of chips. And if they fit completely in their new container, just cover them with the lid.

Phone speaker

crafts at home make yourself diy phone speaker

Want your phone to be louder? Make a speaker out of a can of Pringles. It’s ideal when you’re out in nature with friends (camping, picnicking, etc.)

You will need:

  • wrapping paper
  • double-sided tape
  • wine corks
  • superglue
  • knife
  • scissors

How to make a speaker?

1. You don’t need any special skills to make a Pringles speaker because it’s super easy! Start by using double-sided tape to stick the wrapping paper to make the speaker look good. (or you can miss this step, if you want to)
2. Make a hole in the box using a knife. Continue to cut with scissors, making a hole large enough for you to put a phone in.
3. At this point, when you put the phone in the can, the sound will be louder, but there needs to be something for the whole structure to stand on, otherwise it will tip over. Use wine corks and superglue to help lift the structure.

More useful crafts with Pringles can to try

diy concrete candle holders pringles can

We have prepared more unique ideas for crafts with Pringles can that are worth trying to recreate at home! You will be surprised how many things you can come up with only using a simple can!

Handmade candles

handmade candles at home diy ideas for adults

Scented candles create a great atmosphere and coziness. However, you don’t always have to buy them to achieve any of this. Use a can of Pringles as a mold to pour melted wax from old candles you have at home! It’s so easy, and you can experiment a lot with colors and scents! Just have fun!

DIY pen holders

pen holder diy wrapping paper pringles cans idea

Another great idea to use your empty Pringles cans is to make DIY pen holders. All you need to do is cut out a can to your desired height and glue pretty paper on top. Easy, right?

Cotton pad holder

black cotton pads container diy idea to reuse old chips cans

Make yourself a beautiful cotton pad holder. Glue decorative cardboard on the box using PVA glue. Make a hole in the bottom to easily reach the pads. Decorate the box to your taste.

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