3 Fun Halloween Pipe Cleaner Crafts for Kids with Simple Step-by-Step Instructions!

by Stephanie Yankova

Do you want to engage your kids in fun DIY projects this Halloween without having to tidy up for days after that? Pipe cleaners are here to save the day! They’re accessible, affordable, come in a wide range of colors, and best of all – they allow your children’s creativity to run wild and make effective decorations with minimal effort! Help your little ones get into the festive spirit with 3 super easy Halloween pipe cleaner crafts suitable for any age!

Halloween Pipe Cleaner Crafts + Instructions

halloween pipe cleaner crafts kids easy diy projects 2023

My 3 absolute favorite things about Halloween are the costumes, the snacks, AND the crafts! I know that keeping a kid’s attention for a long period of time is nearly impossible, which is why I usually prefer doing quick little projects with them. This is also a great way to raise their self-esteem because when they succeed in making something, as simple as it may be, it instantly gives them a sense of accomplishment! If you too want to have some fun with your little rascals this Halloween, try recreating these simple spooky pipe cleaner crafts that I’m about to share in this article!

Pine Cone and Pipe Cleaners Spiders

pipe cleaner pine cones spiders halloween crafts kids


I love collecting pine cones during the fall, but oftentimes they just end up lying around my house and I eventually throw them away. But not this year! Instead, I am going to make these super fun and adorable spiders for Halloween! To make your own, follow the guide below:


  • pine cones
  • black pipe cleaners (4 for each pine cone)
  • googly eyes
  • glue stick or hot glue

materials pipe cleaners pine cones spiders hallowen crafts kids


  • Prepare your pine cones. Make sure that they’re quite open as the pipe cleaners will have to go in between the scales.
  • Take 1 pipe cleaner and fold it in half.
  • Then, fold each half one more time. You should have 4 folds in total.
  • Repeat the process with 3 more pipe cleaners.
  • Take one pine cone and arrange the folded pipe cleaners on top of it evenly spaced from one another.
  • Push them carefully to the center of the pine cone to secure them in place.

applying fake eyes pipe cleaner pine cones spiders step by step guide

  • The spider should have 8 legs, or 4 pipe cleaners in total.
  • Use the glue to attach the googly eyes on the flat side of the pine cone.
  • The spider should have 2 big googly eyes and 4 smaller ones placed on top.

If you’re worried that the legs aren’t secure enough, you can add a drop of hot glue to make sure they won’t fall off when the kids are playing with the spiders.

Read also: 10+ Pine Cone Decoration Ideas to Start Fall in Style!

Pipe Cleaner Pumpkin Garland

pipe cleaner pumpkin garland diy halloween crafts kids

Is it really Halloween if you don’t do any pumpkin crafts? Whether you’re making decorations for school or your home, this pumpkin garland will fit in any space! Follow the step-by-step guide below to learn how to make it yoursel!


  • 5 orange pipe cleaners
  • 1 green pipe cleaner
  • 1 brown pipe cleaner
  • a string
  • scissors


  • Put together the orange pipe cleaners and fold them in two.
  • Take one orange pipe cleaner and wrap all the other ones around it right in the middle where you folded them.

step 1 making pipe cleaner pumpkin garland halloween decoration kids crafts

  • Once they’re all connected at the center, put them together in a bundle.

step 2 making pipe cleaner pumpkin garland kids halloween craft deas

  • Take a small piece of the orange pipe cleaners and tie a knot around the loose ends of the bundle.
  • Use the scissors to cut the ends.

step 3 making pipe cleaner pumpkin garland kids halloween crafts

  • Take the green pipe cleaner and tie it right underneath the knot.
  • Once you’ve tied the green pipe cleaner around the orange ones, wrap it around your fingers to create this spiral-like effect.
  • Then, take the brown pipe cleaner and wrap it around right between the orange knot and the green pipe cleaner vine.
  • Carefully pull outwards the orange pipe cleaner pieces to form a ball.
  • After you’ve made a couple of pumpkins, use the string to tie it around each one at even spacing to create a garland.

Read also: DIY Paper Mache Halloween Pumpkin: 2 Easy Tutorials to Make with Children

Halloween Monsters from Wine Cork and Pipe Cleaners

halloween monsters wine corks pipe cleaners diy crafts kids

As someone who loves to drink wine, I always have some spare corks that I’ve decided to keep JUST IN CASE I decide to do something with them. Well, the day has come! Today we’re making Halloween monsters (ghosts, spiders, and pumpkins)! Honestly, even with the most basic drawing skills you can easily turn these wine corks into any character – Superman, Dracula, a mummy, and many more! Here’s how you can recreate 4 of my favorite ones!


  • clean wine corks (preferably white ones)
  • acrylic paint – white, black, green, and orange
  • one flat brush
  • one small round brush
  • fine tip markers
  • colorful pipe cleaners
  • googly eyes
  • white glue or hot glue

wine cork pipe cleaner monsters materials diy halloween crafts kids


  • Prepare the flat-tip brush and the acrylic paints.
  • Paint one wine cork in white, one in black, in green, and in orange.

step 1 paint wine corks diy halloween monsters

  • To make a ghost, take the white wine cork.
  • Glue two googly eyes on it.
  • Take a black marker or use the round tip brush and black paint and draw eyebrows and a filled black circle for the mouth.
  • Take one white pipe cleaner and use the scissors to cut it in half.
  • Use the glue to attach the two pieces of pipe cleaner on both sides of the wine cork to make the hands of the ghost.
  • Curl the tips to make them look like they’re making a fist.

diy ghost wine cork pipe cleaners easy halloween crafts kids

  • To make a spider, take the black wine cork.
  • Glue two googly eyes right above the middle of the wine cork.
  • Use a white marker to draw its mouth as shown in the picture below.
  • Take 3 pieces of black pipe cleaner and cut them in half.
  • Glue 3 pieces on one side of the cork, and 3 pieces on the other side for the spider’s legs.

diy hallowen spider wine cork pipe cleaner kids crafts

  • For a pumpkin, take the orange wine cork.
  • Just like with the spider, take two googly eyes and glue them right above the middle of the wine cork.
  • Take a black marker and draw the nose and the mouth of the pumpkin as shown in the picture below.
  • Cut a small piece off a green pipe cleaner, fold it in two, and glue it on the top of the wine cork.

diy pumpkin wine cork pipe cleaners quick easy halloween kids crafts

  • Lastly, for Frankenstein’s monster, take the green wine cork.
  • Glue two googly eyes on the cork.
  • Use a black marker or black acrylic paint to draw its hair, eyebrows, mouth, and tiny scar underneath one of his eyes.
  • Outline a crooked tooth with the black marker and fill it in with the white one.
  • Take one piece of green pipe cleaner and cut it in two.
  • Glue the two pieces on both sides of the wine cork to make the monster’s hands.

You don’t have any spare wine corks, or don’t know where to get pipe cleaners from? No worries! You can find links for both below!

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